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  1. ghostsword

    Drift Wood

    It was an amazing scape by Graeme.. there was a big piece of wood going out of the tank.. One of the most memorable scapes I have ever seen.
  2. ghostsword

    Drift Wood

    Emersed Hygrophila by Luis E., on Flickr Untitled by Luis E., on Flickr Untitled by Luis E., on Flickr The thing floating is all on wood.. parado no tempo20120119_6 by Luis E., on Flickr This one was done by Graeme Edwards, one of the most amazing scapes I have ever seen.. Aquarium Art...
  3. ghostsword

    Drift Wood

    I have done it a few years ago.. pretty much all grows on wood if there are ferts in the water.. will post photos later.
  4. ghostsword

    Who's read the Daily Mail today...

    It is a start.. :) I think that the next should be an article by Ukaps in a Sunday paper, or similar.. It is a start.. and it is an awesome start.
  5. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Want to get rid of algae? Practice good plant and aquarium husbandry... simple.. Also, algae not that bad... :)
  6. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Thanks for your concise explanation Darrel.. really appreciate it.. I know that high oxigen in a tank means a cleaner tank, and I saw that with the addiction of an air pump at night time.. interesting take on the microbubles.. if it affects algae, why is not affecting plants?
  7. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    I am looking for updates on this.. :) although I am in SA I have contacted Ed to enquire about purchasing, but I would like to also buy difusers at the same time..
  8. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    If I get one it will be used on a 120L poorly maintained tank.. really curious if it will work as well on a regular customer tank.. If it does, then this is a great tool, irrespective of how it does its magic.. :)
  9. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Ok, so for now we do not know much how it works, just that it does.. :) So around £150 for unit, then about £25 yearly for difusser.. I setup aquariums on school and hospital environments, and I try to avoid liquid carbon as much as possible.. so I could try this on a customer site, under...
  10. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Yep.. I am sure the consumers will think that what they see can be replicated with this tool.. :) Now, although we don't know 100% how everything works in a tank we have to agree that we are close to it.. at least we have an idea how it works.. Not so with this tool.. those bubbles, what are...
  11. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    I don't think the issue is negativity.. more trying to figure out what is actually doing.. This is a community of people that like to know how things work... from ferts to co2, we ask and try to figure out how it works.. So it is not an ozone maker.. is it a o2 diffuser? No idea.. so people...
  12. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    ;) I meant how easy is to buy the diffuser, or should there not be a need to replace it?
  13. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    OK, so Twinstar sent it to a few scapers? Good idea to try product in a professional way.. There are a couple of things to ask, especially regarding replacement parts.. how easy are to get them?
  14. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Odd their take on light, nutrients and co2 as the reason for algae. If this is not an ozone generator, then it looks like another gimmick. Micro bubbles? Use a high powered pump to push bubbles through an atomic ceramic diffuser.
  15. ghostsword

    Dupla Armatur Pro Regulator to Co2 fitting thread needed

    My one snapped and I harassed Dupla, they sent me another, but I choose to attach a solenoid to it.. A really stupid decision by Dupla to add plastic to such a solid device. I am sure that the fitting is universal, you can take the plastic bit to a pump shop, the ones that fix washing...
  16. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    I am sure it is a ozone generator, as they are pretty common in the reef community to deal with the same issues.. I think that it is a good idea.. and it has been used for many years..
  17. ghostsword

    Why are there no "monster" planted tanks ?

    The London Aquarium Piranha Tank, easily the largest planted tank in the UK, and running for almost one year now.. :)
  18. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Get two or three.. :) but yes, I see what you mean..
  19. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Found this in ZA.. so will try it.. They use it here for disinfecting food and water.. http://www.ozogen.co.za/Instruction%20leaflet%20OzoPure%2001.pdf OzoPure - Home Multi-Use - This unit is designed for home use to sanitise air, water and for basic treatments. The unit comes complete with...
  20. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Sorry for so many posts.. but finding information about this ozone.. I did not look at it before, thought this product was another gymmic.. The idea is not new.. it has been used in reefs for a while now.. Ozone and the Reef Aquarium, Part 1: Chemistry and Biochemistry by Randy Holmes-Farley -...
  21. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Good place to try it would be in the large Pet's at home tank, the one with cloudiness.. :)
  22. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    TMC has one.. TMC V2 Ozone Generator
  23. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Yes, I found out that a air pump in the tank at night helped a lot with clarity and condition of the tanks.. So we not sure how this works, just that it does? :)
  24. ghostsword

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Interesting product.. I still do not understand how it works.. If adding o2 helps why not just had a air pump?
  25. ghostsword

    Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

    You want to know more about EI, go read the article that was posted a few years ago, and it is still there, about it. That was what I did. I read it over and over again (still refer to it sometimes) till I grasped the content. You do not want to struggle with the concepts? Just dose EI and...
  26. ghostsword

    Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

    There is so much to learn that any tidbit of information given is like gold dust. I create a thread, Clive, Tom or many of the other experts here come along and say point blank what I am doing is wrong, hell yes, I will appreciate that they had taken the time to actually said something. Quick...
  27. ghostsword

    this needed PR...

    It is just too Japanese.. :) I was almost expecting Godzilla to make an entrance..
  28. ghostsword

    2 days at aqua telford

    All scapes are nice.. the last one is superb.. great work guys.
  29. ghostsword

    Went to look for hardscape

    As soon as I do it I will do a journal.. They are granite, so they are aquarium safe..
  30. ghostsword

    Went to look for hardscape

    Good tip about false bay.. will check it next month.. :)
  31. ghostsword

    Went to look for hardscape

    Been in Cape Town for almost two weeks now.. and decided to go look for hardscape, need some boulders for a new scape.. Found a rock similar to dragon rock but has quartz on it.. and found tons of granite.. Bought three granite rocks.. 24kg.. for 80p a kg.. :) Rocks by Luis Embalo, on Flickr
  32. ghostsword

    A good Book

    Both good books..
  33. ghostsword

    Congratulations Mark Evans of Tropica!

    Superb.. I am very happy for the community in general, and for Mark as well.. I have met very few people like him, so knowledgeable, and humble at the same time.. a great asset to Tropica, and it is great on them to recognize his talent.
  34. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    Vivarium was simply amazing, and I am sure that something like that would be great to see in the UK. I got a emersed tank at home, just a large rock, moss, some echinodorus, crypts, and bromeliads at the back.. Would love to add some crabs to it.. :) There is a market for this, and the...
  35. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    FBAS Festival of Fishkeeping announces new venue for 2013 | News | Practical Fishkeeping The Festival of Fishkeeping will be held at Hounslow Urban Farm, MIddlesex on September 7-8 2013. I am gutted that I am not in the country for this.. If people want aquatics events to be a success...
  36. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    If one day there is a Vivarium styles show, with reptiles, aquatics, vivariums and insects, it will surely be a sold out affair. There is a big market for that in the UK.. Make it in Birmingham, or Manchester, and you will have no issues filling it out.
  37. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    What is the date? Looks like good news.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  38. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    What are the legalities of selling fish? There should be Aquarium Fairs, like there is Computer Fairs, that would be really cool.. :)
  39. ghostsword

    New aquascaping journal...

    Can be read here: http://issuu.com/liquid-magazine/docs/liquid_en?a=1
  40. ghostsword

    New aquascaping journal...

    Liquid | Nature Aquarium Magazine
  41. ghostsword

    no more broken lily pipes!

    I also like the stainless steel pipes.. easy to make, easy to use.. Just would like to have a way to change the shape of the output, maybe get one one that can clip on in the the steel pipe, and that can be made of anything ..
  42. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    That is true.. the kids really had a great time.. :)
  43. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    James, had you, George and other Aquascapers contributed solely to PFK probably it would be worth me buying the magazine. After all I subscribe to other fish and planted tank related magazines. Get a magazine, even if just online, where you, George, and other aquascapers write articles, test...
  44. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    I also do not buy PFK, and not because I want stuff for free, after all I do subscribe (pay) to other online magazines. The reason I do not subscribe to PFK is that for me, the magazine is pretty lame. And that may be the reason others do not support it, getting stuff for free may not be the...
  45. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    Then the shops wonder why people buy most the kit online..
  46. ghostsword

    Aquatics live cancelled.

    If one cannot organize a show in London, with 12 million people.. damm, things are indeed hard.. :( There is the London Pet Show, a resounding sucess, always full.. There is Discover Dogs.. another full show.. and this is not profitable enough? Just sad..
  47. ghostsword

    cleaning dry algae from a used tank

    This book corroborates the statement.. Round, F E (1981). The Ecology of Algae. London: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-22583-3 - Chapter 8, Dispersal, continuity and phytogeography, page 360. "Spores are everywhere in all parts of the Earth: the waters fresh and marine, the atmosphere...
  48. ghostsword

    cleaning dry algae from a used tank

    Dude this is so radical and mindbogglingly crazy that I need to research it further.. not saying you are making this up, not at all, but it is well worth the research. :) I am ok with algae, it is after all a natural thing part of our ecosystem. Good one on this.. :)
  49. ghostsword

    cleaning dry algae from a used tank

    Are you saying that aquatic algae releases algae spores in the open air? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  50. ghostsword

    cleaning dry algae from a used tank

    Vinegar, some salt, and a tiny bit of bleach (cover eyes and mouth) will do well. Get a kitchen brush, and some elbow grease, it will get right.
  51. ghostsword

    Holiday tank advice

    I went away for a month.. For ferts I use Aquafim, slow release. left lights at 4 hours daily, and co2 the same way as before. Told my brother to feed the fish once a week, knowing that he would overfeed anyway (which he did). After one month, no water changes, just top up, I have a bit of...
  52. ghostsword

    LFS Display Help!

    If you only have to use TMC products, then you got to work with it.. :) add more, prune more, and increase the co2, after all you got no fish there.. :) Also a airstone at night, or increase water movement helps a lot also..
  53. ghostsword

    LFS Display Help!

    You cannot wrong with EI.. :)
  54. ghostsword

    LFS Display Help!

    Can you get hold of a par meter? If so, see how much light you putting in.. What substrate are you using? Also I am not familiar with the TMC ferts, so I cannot say if it has enough nutrients or not, but I would think that maybe not.. :) Dose EI, or something like ELOS Phase2, you need...
  55. ghostsword

    Lost half my fish!

    I feel sorry for you mate.. It happens often, so don't be too hard on yourself.. :( Once I killed all my fish in one go, did not allowed for the end of the cyllinder, and more co2 than normal got pumped in..
  56. ghostsword

    Aqua Journal Magazine

    This is true.. the videos are amazing.. no nonsense scapes, very good..
  57. ghostsword

    Aqua Journal Magazine

    Aquajournal is not free, it costs $5 each edition.. :) you may find it for "free", same way you find movies and music, but it is not free, someone bought it and it is now sharing it..
  58. ghostsword

    Aqua Journal Magazine

    LondonDragon is right.. If it is illegal you should not be doing it, or posting it here. I used to subscribe to Aquajournal, but now with the monthly payment I see it as hassle, too lazy to put my card every month, it was much easier to have a single payment.. but I still would not download...
  59. ghostsword

    Where plants go to die

    It isn't fair to compare Pets at home with Living Waters, bit like comparing Asda with Morgan cars, .. :) Living Waters is a shop run by a guy that does anything else but aquatic plants and fish, single shop, and Pet's at Home is run as a business with lots and lots of shops. Even the guys...
  60. ghostsword

    Where plants go to die

    Tim, they already got the photoperiod, not giving the plants CO2 and ferts is what is creating a mess. CO2 and ferts do not create algae, but the lack of it surely does. :) They get plants weekly, so why not empty the tank weekly as well? 100% water change if needed. Raise the light, or use...
  61. ghostsword

    Where plants go to die

    I am sure that the issue is education, not time. Once management sees that they make more money by having good plants, they will surerely make changes. Changing the water on the holding tank is much easier than cleaning the rabbits, rats, etc.. so they will do it.. :) I am sure a lot of work...
  62. ghostsword

    Where plants go to die

    I am sure that the plants rather have low light, lots of co2 and nutrients than clean water.. :) what is clean water anyway? :) I think that if these shops just added some co2, lowered the light intensity, and a daily dose of nutrients, they would see a marked improvement.
  63. ghostsword

    Where plants go to die

    So a shop like pets at home can just change the holding tanks a bit, add lots of CO2 (cheap in bulk) and ferts daily, this would ensure that the plants were at their best.. I would think that Anubias and ferns would be best to be left of a emersed state, with lots of humidity, right?
  64. ghostsword

    Where plants go to die

    good tip, so as long as we order 5 items they can bring it in.. :) perfect.. will check them out when I need to rescape my tank.
  65. ghostsword

    Where plants go to die

    I got near me a pets at home shop.. Just on the day of delivery and you get amazing bargains.. :) 3 for £10 is a good deal. They usually get mixed boxes. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  66. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 - photos and videos

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photosynth ... _radiation :)
  67. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 - photos and videos

    I measured the par on those, 60 par on that massive tank, was very impressed..
  68. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 - photos and videos

    The UKAPS Live Scaping Tanks http://youtu.be/dbtBcqVdt-k
  69. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 - photos and videos

    It was the aquajardin display indeed, and they are electric blue.. I only took about 50 odd photos, was too busy having fun and listening to the amazing talks.. :) Also done a video of the scapes, need to edit it and post it on youtube. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  70. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 - photos and videos

    Aquatics Live 2012 - 018 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Aquatics Live 2012 - 022 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Aquatics Live 2012 - 023 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Aquatics Live 2012 - 027 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Aquatics Live 2012 - 017 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Aquatics Live 2012 - 038 by...
  71. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 - photos and videos

    The Flickr set can be found here.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ghostsword ... 176517668/ Aquatics Live 2012 - 029 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Aquatics Live 2012 - 030 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Aquatics Live 2012 - 032 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Aquatics Live 2012 - 038 by GHOSTSWORD, on...
  72. ghostsword

    Whos going to aquatics live?

    It was awesome!! I have been kinda stagnating on aquascaping.. This weekend was awesome!! Lots of new ideas, absolutely refreshed.. Watch out for new scapes dudes.. :) Also, a couple of tips from Mark, enough to improve my photos in no time.. Way better than last year, way better...
  73. ghostsword

    Whos going to aquatics live?

    Will be going both days...
  74. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012

    Do the seminars, well worth it.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  75. ghostsword

    some people make me sick!

    Just get the wood back. You know how much it weighted when you sent it.. And he would be mad to send you a bag of gravel.. Not worth the agro for a tenner. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  76. ghostsword

    some people make me sick!

    It was listed on ebay, but sold off ebay? hahaha, the guy does not have a leg to stand on, even if the wood has poisoned the tank. Did ebay contacted you with the case? If you sell something off ebay you cannot use ebay as a resolution, you can use paypal, if it was a business transaction, but...
  77. ghostsword

    Book recommendations

    I got the second edition, thats the one I am talking about, got it last year in Holland. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  78. ghostsword

    Book recommendations

    The best book is by Kristel Kasselman.. Get a german dictionary also, saddly only in German. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  79. ghostsword

    Outdoor Planted Tank. (Vietnam) Possible? **Pics Page 4**

    About ferts.. :) lots of it and would also do enough water changes.. Why not add co2, even just a bit? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  80. ghostsword

    Outdoor Planted Tank. (Vietnam) Possible? **Pics Page 4**

    It has all the halmarks of an epic tank!! I so want one of these!! :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  81. ghostsword

    Free Nano Tank at PFK

    I like the look of the tank, however it can be achieved with mdf and spray gun.. :) Last freebie was very good, the jbl filter.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  82. ghostsword

    Holiday advice.

    For one week, just lights at minimum, no food, and co2 normal. I never had issues with it.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  83. ghostsword

    Holiday advice.

    When i go away I turn the lights down, to just 4 hours a day. And leave the co2 the same. The issue is the lack of ferts, and the fish food. The fish can be ok without food for a week or so, but 6 weeks is a long time. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  84. ghostsword

    WOOD PORN. Depraved photos of contorted shapes. (Pic heavy)

    Re: WOOD PORN. Depraved photos of contorted shapes. (Pic hea Want to talk shipping a couple of pieces here? :)
  85. ghostsword

    Where can I buy wood in the UK?

    Yep, this was manzanita. The prices may vary, it depends of what you choose. Contact Tom and see what he has at the moment.
  86. ghostsword

    Where can I buy wood in the UK?

    I bought all my wood from Tom Barr (Plantbrain), a box to the UK was about £120, and I can assure you that you will not regret it, the quality and look of the wood is just amazing. There may be other sources in the UK, maybe cheaper, but I do not know. I bought maybe 5 boxes from Tom Barr...
  87. ghostsword

    Where can I buy wood in the UK?

    I have had many boxes shipped from te US, without any issues.. Good quality wood. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  88. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    The Moulinex looks like this: Inside it has a blade like this: The unit is from the 1980's... :)
  89. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    :) It has been on the tank with shrimp and plants, no adverse effects. Also you can make different grades with it. So leave it for longer and you get really powdery sand, for less and you get a coarser. Just done another batch for some emersed pots I have with hairgrass and UG.. Very simple to...
  90. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    Not sure how it is priced.. :) just easy to make it on the blender. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  91. ghostsword

    Outdoor Planted Tank. (Vietnam) Possible? **Pics Page 4**

    Outdoor Planted Tank. Possible? Unlimited light, no ferts and no co2 and no plants will grow on it, unless they are floating or emersed. Algae soup. I do have a couple of tanks on the garden, so I have tried it out. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  92. ghostsword

    Outdoor Planted Tank. (Vietnam) Possible? **Pics Page 4**

    Outdoor Planted Tank. Possible? Unlimited light, no ferts and no co2 and no plants will grow on it, unless they are floating or emersed. Algae soup. I do have a couple of tanks on the garden, so I have tried it out. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  93. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    Funny story really. Wife made some steaks for dinner the night before and when I tried them for lunch today they were as hard as leather. Not to worry, got the moulinex, some pepper, and garlic and minced the lot. Then fried it with egg. Eating it the meat was like powder. After lunch I had a...
  94. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    Yep, and this one is from that time.. :) old but faithful. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  95. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    No ferts on it.. No reason (for me) to use it.. :) But why not? :) imagination is what is needed. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  96. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    Thanks.. If this works out it is a cheap way to get powder sand. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  97. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    Does this look murky? :) Two hours after dropping it, water was not lowered at all, just stopped the filters and koralia while dropping the powder. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  98. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    I did not even rinse it, so now I have floating some pieces of wood or grass. :) will scoop them, that was the only issue. If this works out I will not need to buy power sand, making this technique perfect for HC. The moulinex was given to me by my mother, it is at least 15 years old.. :) was...
  99. ghostsword

    How to make Ada sand? Crazy...

    Got pics, let me see how to put them from the iphone. I just dumped it today into the tank, at 1700. Some got on top of the plants, but the ottos will soon sort it.. It is on top of Ebi Gold substrate (same size as amazonia). ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword