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  1. ghostsword

    40cm Cube - Re Scape

    And lack of carbon. More co2, less light and lots of ferts, all your problems go away.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  2. ghostsword

    40cm Cube - Re Scape

    I have a tank that has just three hours of light a day and some easy carbo, few ferts, and it is spotless. Got high tech tanks with no more than 5 hours of light a day, no issues.. Light is more often than not the issue, so decrease it. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  3. ghostsword

    miracle gro organic choice - enriched

    The issue of ammonia is one to worry, but as I plan to use it on emersed tanks it just may have enough nutrients to get me started. Then top up with tank water every so often. However osmocote has been tried and tested. I currently use miracle grow pelets mixed with my amazonia soil for the...
  4. ghostsword

    miracle gro organic choice - enriched

    You have a link for the product? I woul not mind trying it out also. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  5. ghostsword

    Plants melting and no growth - help !

    A perfect explanation of why we must do water changes. :) It's not only fish that "poo", plants also do it. :) The more food they get (nutrients and CO2) the more they "poo".
  6. ghostsword

    A tentative plan for self sufficiency

    Hi.. It is a great idea, and I am actually trying something very similar, with a 50cm by 30cm by 30cm acrylic tray. For the plants use Hygro's, humidity is not an issue for them, as long as they have wet roots, they are happy. Also Draecena, and Syngonium's, they grow well with just wet roots...
  7. ghostsword

    low tech aquariums with emergent plants

    Hi, this is an amazing thread, and exactly what I was looking for. I want to try a very low tech tank but with plants. I was looking at Sygonium and some Crypts on a hydrophonic planter on stilts, just with a heater and maybe a small koralia to allow for water current. This would be placed...
  8. ghostsword

    will these fish be okay without water changes

    Hi, I am no expert on the matter, but I would think that at least a 20% water change a month minimum would be beneficial for the fish. On their natural habitat angel fish have flowing water, although with some debris on it, but still running. On a fish tank, even with a lot of plants, you...