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  1. C

    Rolling in the deep

    It begins to look nice , today I add-it some Eriocaulon cinereum later I will post some pictures of it. And I order some lilypipes.
  2. C

    Rolling in the deep

    Finally a update ,I just trimmed the Rotala but I am not very happy with the middle section of the thank. There is lots to do, if I want to turn this in a beauty. Tips are welcome!
  3. C

    Rolling in the deep

    Finally there is water in the aquarium I only need to ad some rotala sp green in the back.
  4. C

    Rolling in the deep

    I am planning to use a eheim 2213 The plants I gonna use (I think...) are: Vesicularia ferriei Hydrocotyle sp. Japan Rotala sp h'ra Staurogyne repens Eleocharis parvulus Hemianthus callitrichoides Hemianthus micranthemoides Only I have my doubts about the back with the combo of Rotala sp...
  5. C

    Rolling in the deep

    Okay I skip the wood en this is my next try and I now add it some Florabase sand.
  6. C

    Rolling in the deep

    Second try and added some manzinata wood does somebody have some advice??
  7. C

    Rolling in the deep

    Finally, the substrate arrived and I can start scaping. My first try:
  8. C

    Rolling in the deep

    Thanks guys i am very excited about it all. The stand is of course DIY and is fitted on the wall tomorrow I will shoot some pictures. There will be no emersed grow I can't wait before the water is in.
  9. C

    Rolling in the deep

    The lights are from TMC. It's now waiting till the substrate arrive. Pictures of the nano will come soon.
  10. C

    Rolling in the deep

    I can finally begin!! Two days ago I got my new aquarium with the dimensions 60x45x30cm and I can not wait until water goes in but it will still take a week before the water goes in. For the Hardscape I'm ussing brown stones, which I collected last year in southern Germany. Perhaps here and...