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  1. C

    Cheap FE co2 refill Bracknall

    Thanks for the heads up. Will definitely use in future
  2. C

    Regulator Pressure

    Very sorry all, I've seen the light and realised my mistake. Basically the dials on my reg dont display Bar. They show MPa (Megapascals). What I thought was 5 Bar was the bottle pressure of 5MPa (50 Bar), the working pressure of the reg is 0.3MPa (3 Bar). Now I know this I feel a bit...
  3. C

    Regulator Pressure

    Whether I need to run at this level or not, this is the pressure it has always worked at and I have no idea how to safely change it. IF anyone has experience of these regs, can confirm it is safe to remove the nut on the front and how to reduce the pressure I'd be very grateful to hear.
  4. C

    Regulator Pressure

    12 months so far, still holding out.
  5. C

    Regulator Pressure

    This is my one. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aquarium-CO2- ... 25676e4898. Not sure if it's adjustable, I can see a nut on the front but havent tried to turn it incase the whole thing comes apart.
  6. C

    Regulator Pressure

    Reading another thread I saw someone refering to their working pressure being 1.5 bar. I've never checked what the pressure is on my regulator before as everything is working fine. I just checked now and it's 5 bar. Is this a problem? I use an up aqua inline. The only thing I've noticed...