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  1. ghostsword

    Best and simplest way to inject CO2?

    I went to check out the filters Eric has.. ERIC Koi Pond Filtration | The ERIC Range of Koi Pond Filters They look nice, but expensive.. I still maintain that if one wants "best and simplest" co2 diffusion then a dedicated filter with just balls will work fine.. I am making a small...
  2. ghostsword

    Best and simplest way to inject CO2?

    Can this thread be shared on Facebook? Amazing learning material here..
  3. ghostsword

    Best and simplest way to inject CO2?

    Why not use a dedicated canister for it? Lot's of cheap filters online, and if the device is just full of balls and mesh, it will get the co2 disolved, right?
  4. ghostsword


    If it biodegrades when on water, when you mix it will it not do the same when mixed on the bottle? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  5. ghostsword

    Does high tech necessitate regular water changes?

    :) Tonight I made two solutions for the month, while watching eastenders with the wife.. My measuring? A teaspoon. Wife asked, shouldn't you measure that properly? That is not half a teaspoon..y answer? Sometimes half a teaspoon is this, sometimes it is more, others it is less, the plants do...
  6. ghostsword

    Does high tech necessitate regular water changes?

    The more you eat the more you poo and wee. Same happens with plants. More nutrients, ei or not, growth powered by co2 and light means more waste released by all living things on a tank. Very simple really. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  7. ghostsword


    A big save for someone that uses easy carbo type things a lot. Amazing how much money is liquid carbon companies are making. Why not add some ferts to it as well? Bad reaction? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  8. ghostsword


    1L for £12 is very good and if at 50% just dilute with 1 to 5 parts of water. But doesn't it loose some properties when mixed with water? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  9. ghostsword

    Best reg?

    I like the dupla regs, my favourite regs.. :) expensive but solidly built. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  10. ghostsword

    Making CO2 drop checker solution

    Aquaessentials is selling the complete solution for a bargain, so much that I have ordered 5 bottles. I do have 4dk solution, but this is much easier, just pour it on the drop checker and walk away. ___________________________
  11. ghostsword

    easy carbo or gas?

    Ah , to grow moss you can do with even less light. I got a 20l with moss and wood, some pelia and just get's natural light. It even has some ferns on it, thankfully no algae. ___________________________
  12. ghostsword

    easy carbo or gas?

    It all depends of the plants you have. That does seem a lot of light for a 10g, so maybe you should look at either less light or using a co2 can. Easy carbo is good and effective, but some plants and moss struggle with it. ___________________________
  13. ghostsword

    recommend a co2 diffuser.

    I got an Atomic diffuser from Orlando, great product but the shipping and customs charges are high. I have heard that needle wheels are good, maybe use a old filter for it? ___________________________ Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
  14. ghostsword

    Getting it "lime green"

    Getting it "lime green" Ah ok. If you see such a difference between lights on and middle of the day then there is something odd with the time. :) I would star the co2 about 2 hours before lights on. Or actually measure how long does it take for the solution to change...
  15. ghostsword

    Getting it "lime green"

    Getting it "lime green" I may have missed on the earliest posts, but why so much interest on the drop checker color? :) i've seen a tank that had a drop checker on each corner of the tank and some where light green, others dark green, it varies. :) ___________________________ I don't know...
  16. ghostsword

    Getting it "lime green"

    Getting it "lime green" I use bubble rate as a guidance of how much change I have made to the needle valve. My drop checker is also not yellow, but stays green all the time, will not drop to blue unless I have it outside the tank. Co2 is an art, much harder than keeping plants. :)...
  17. ghostsword

    RO water for CO2 dropchecker

    I got a small bottle from AE about a year ago, still got half of it. I think that it is easier to buy the stuff ready made. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
  18. ghostsword

    Bubble counter liquid?

    Correct, very good point, each bubble counter is different, and the bubbles per second really don't mean much on the wider sense, only a personal measure of how much co2 you are dosing on your tank. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of...
  19. ghostsword

    Bubble counter liquid?

    It is a good question. I use plain water but every few months I need to top it up. May try glycerin, as I do not use the bubble counter to manage the co2 into the tank but the speed of the needle valve. So if my fish are struggling I will just turn it down, from say three bubbles to two...
  20. ghostsword

    Bromothymol Blue

    I am sure that you could buy it on eBay. In case of doubt always use paypal, I very rarely shop online if the store does not offer that method of payment. .
  21. ghostsword

    Are 'mini' kits entirely daft?

    Yep, that is the one. The bottles are cheap, £24, and they last long. :)
  22. ghostsword

    Are 'mini' kits entirely daft?

    The small co2 kits are not worth the bother. I got a TMC one, and really liked the Fluval that ukaps used at the vivarium show. So far the smallest I have seen that is good value for money (no DIY) is the dennerle 500g disposable bottles . .
  23. ghostsword

    Sodastream CO2 - My DIY setup...

    Now this is one of the best dyi threads I've ever seen. :) How much are the sodastream bottles? One can get a disposable denerle for £22, 500grams. Would these be cheaper? .
  24. ghostsword

    How can i split co2 for 2 tanks??

    Many shops in the uk sell hob filters, aquaessentials sell them. Check on google, or drop the shops a line asking. eBay is also good for parts. :) .
  25. ghostsword

    [Product] New style dropcheker

    Thanks.. Let me see the finances and see if ordering one this month fits on the budget.. :)
  26. ghostsword

    [Product] New style dropcheker

    @viktor what ate the dimensions of the inner pipe? How long? .
  27. ghostsword

    [Product] New style dropcheker

    Good man ! .
  28. ghostsword

    CO2 Disaster HELP!

    I use dupla regs, expensive but good, but look for jbl ones, they are also very good. From eBay the German ones are acceptable and easy to sort out if something goes wrong. It all depends on your pocket. :) .
  29. ghostsword

    will JBL reg fit FE?

    Not all JBL regulators fit on FE's, there are two types of regs. One has a small lip inside that prevents the reg to screw into any non JBL bottle. I know because I had two jbl regs and only one fitted in.
  30. ghostsword

    [Product] New style dropcheker

    When could we expect to see this product for sale in the UK?
  31. ghostsword

    [Product] New style dropcheker

    Yep, made one in acrylic, but this one looks much better. :) At £30 will get one for sure. Less things inside the tank.
  32. ghostsword

    Atomic C02 Diffuser

    The bill is below all in $, I also had to pay £27 tax on it: Advertising Source: ASW Item Quantity Description Amount ---- -------- ----------- ------ 300167 1 Small Adjustable Shrimp...
  33. ghostsword

    Atomic C02 Diffuser

    I have had the GLA diffuser working on my tank for about two months, using very low pressure, 2 bar I think, and it works perfectly. The issue is only on the delivery and on the customs charge. You do get what you paid for. :) .
  34. ghostsword

    Atomic C02 Diffuser

    Yes, the delivery is a killer, and also you get landed with a customs import charge prior to getting the kit. :( I think that with all costs associated, maybe two of ebay would still work out cheaper than the GLA, but the kit is good.
  35. ghostsword

    Atomic C02 Diffuser

    I have one, ordered from GLA. It works really well, and the bubles are very fine. The only issue is that the tank will look like it is full of fog. :)
  36. ghostsword

    Is there a CO2 complete setup available anywhere?

    Here it goes: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=15188 £125 for full CO2 kit and extra bottle.. A true bargain.
  37. ghostsword

    Is there a CO2 complete setup available anywhere?

    There are lots of brands, but ultimately depends on the size of tank. If under 60L, the TMC kit is very good, above that all in one would be just JBL, or Dupla. But keep checking the forum, there is always stuff for sale.
  38. ghostsword

    Too much co2

    I would like to add that while your fish may become used to the high concentration of CO2, the issue becomes more apparent when adding new fish, so keep that in mind when you buy new stock. It has happened to me that I purchased three SAE's, during aclimatation lost one while in the bag, the...
  39. ghostsword

    How long would a 500g or a 2kg cylinder last?

    My CO2, 2kg JBL lasts about two months. Don't know about what amount of bubbles per second I have, I use the fish as a guide. If they are strugling on top, then I am dosing too much, and just tweak a little bit below that. I have a 100L tank, and although I am using high levels of CO2 I have...
  40. ghostsword

    FE setup problems - Wish i'd never started!

    £7.50? That is very cheap. My regulator cost £148. You may find cheap JBL regulators on ebay, I just sold one for £40 and one with a JBL solenoid for £65 on UKAPS. You do get what you paid for. Your regulator may have too much a working pressure, I think that anything above 3bar will blow...
  41. ghostsword

    Halides, Big tank, Co2?

    You should invest on presurised CO2, it will work out much cheaper and will be much better long run, as the hard part is to maintain the CO2 stable. Regarding ferts, you will need it if you want to have a planted tank with so much light, otherwise you will have a algae riddle tank. Read some...
  42. ghostsword

    CO2 Refills...

    For London you can try: Company Details: London Beer Gas 25 - 29 Stacey Avenue London N18 3PE Phone: 020 8807 4633 They deliver bottles.. Ask for Bob.
  43. ghostsword

    easy carb and high light

    This plant business is more about patience that "messing" around to see what works and do not. :) You can still do it, but in terms of trying for two to three weeks, then seeing the results. Algae responds much faster to changes than plants. :)
  44. ghostsword

    easy carb and high light

    I have tried that.. Fluctuating CO2 will lead to algae problems. Even with pressurized CO2 you can have fluctuating CO2, imagine with easy carbo. :)
  45. ghostsword

    Co2 Fluctuations and BBA

    I am replacing the floating plants with half emmersed MU on a hanging planter: The shrimp hang around the planter and it is easy to trim.
  46. ghostsword

    Co2 Fluctuations and BBA

    I get it on the rocks and on crypts., as I never trim them. Now I understand the CO2 fluctuation issue, and will do my best to ensure that remains stable, i.e. as high as possible. I had CO2 24/7, but since installing the solenoid I have been shutting it down 1 hour before lights out. I will...
  47. ghostsword

    Co2 Fluctuations and BBA

    Many thanks for the article and for the explanation. The issue I have with BBA is that it only grows on the filter outlets and where current is strong, such on the koralias. It started to grow on some rocks, but not on plants, so I will take the rocks out and scrub them out. Will increase...
  48. ghostsword

    Best CO2 diffuser

    it is fantastic, very small bubbles and because it has a large diameter they spread through a larger area. I like it.
  49. ghostsword

    Best CO2 diffuser

    Hi, I got a Rhinox 5000 on my 120L tank, and it is indeed a big difuser, but it is solid, and easy to hide. :) I rather went to the larger I saw, and have a big cloud of CO2 bubbles, and if I get a larger tank I can reuse it.
  50. ghostsword

    Home made Spray bar

    Look for acrylic tubes, ebay has a couple.. http://shop.ebay.co.uk/clearplasticsupp ... ksid=p4340
  51. ghostsword

    When to change the 4dhk solution on the dropcheker?

    Thanks for all the replies.. I will do it monthly from now on. I can wash the bulb with two grains of rice and a couple of ml of 4dhk water..
  52. ghostsword

    When to change the 4dhk solution on the dropcheker?

    Hi, When should we change the 4dhk on the dropcheker? Should we do it at water change? Or not at all?
  53. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    Thanks, All the fish are ok, and there were no losses. I will turn off the CO2 two hours before end of photo period, at 2000, and then allow CO2 to start again at 7am, an hour after air pump gets turned off. The air pump starts at 0000 and turns off at 0600, so that gives the fish a break...
  54. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    I should, I know I should .. :) and I do not want to cause them suffering, but there are some that are my favourites.. :)
  55. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    Today I got a scare on my tank, for the first time all my fish were on top gasping for air. I setup the solenoid to stop CO2 at 2200 and start it again at 0530. It must have dosed too much CO2 into the tank, as at 0700 they were all gasping for air. I turned the air pump on and lit the...
  56. ghostsword


    :) I stand corrected.. :) It is everywhere, you are right.. quite embarrassing really.. :D So if the bottle is a 95g only there is no issue, most probably is it empty now. As I got a 2kg at home, if it developed any sort of fault it would be on the garden straight away.
  57. ghostsword


    If you turn it off and the pressure rises, then the issue is between the knob and the difuser. You need to be aware that CO2 is poisonous, and you cannot smell it. The safe thing is to put it outside the house. Invest on a proper co2 bottle.. something more solid, like a JBL bottle..
  58. ghostsword


    If your stuff is this: No hope of closing it, just put it outside on the garden and wait for the morning to check it out.
  59. ghostsword


    If you are worried then you need to close down the bottle, and wait until the morning to sort it. Do not leave it overnight.
  60. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    I got the argos timers, good piece of kit and very cheap. Easy to setup up as well. I got a airstone, it does the job, and as the pump is now only at night I can decrease the CO2 going in. Until I get the solenoid I manually shut off the CO2 in the evening and turn it on in the morning.
  61. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    Great, even cheaper.. I will get these today.
  62. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    Thanks.. I will then leave the koralia 24/7. :) Thanks for the advice.
  63. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    Thanks, Will get three of these: Will setup the air pump to come on when lights go off, and then to turn off a couple of hours before lights come on. Now, should I put the Solenoid valve on at the same time as the Koralia? Do I need the Koralia when there is no CO2 being pumped on the...
  64. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    :) Will switch it off today and put it on a timer. Soon I will have a timer per plug.. :) Thanks.
  65. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    Yes.. Shouldn't I? :?:
  66. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    Thanks ceg. That is well explained. I don't have that many fish on my 120l, maybe 10 neons and about 4 cory's, but I got hundreds of cherry shrimps. Have not seen them yet at the top of the tank, so I guess that they are getting enough O2, and I got a air pump on the tank. Will get a...
  67. ghostsword

    Why use a Solenoid valve?

    Hi, It may be a silly question, but I am not really sure why would we use a solenoid valve, apart from saving on CO2. If the plants consume CO2 during the day and release it at night, by constantly pumping CO2 into the tank wouldn't that ensure that there is always enough CO2 on the water for...
  68. ghostsword

    advice on a co2 setup for a nano

    You cannot beat a pressurised system, it will work out much cheaper than all the other types. You can also obtain a filter second hand, or use a small internal filter, but all depends on your bioload.
  69. ghostsword

    advice on a co2 setup for a nano

    30L tank? Maybe a year...
  70. ghostsword

    Easycarbo Short term fix or not?

    ... just buy CO2 bottles.. safer that way... :)
  71. ghostsword

    Easycarbo Short term fix or not?

    From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glutaraldehyde ...the biocidal effect of glutaraldehyde kills most algae at concentrations of 0.5 - 5.0 ppm Adverse reactions have been observed by some aquarists at these concentrations in some aquatic mosses, liverworts... So it might kill mosses...
  72. ghostsword

    Easycarbo Short term fix or not?

    Yep, I think that the issue is that there is a lack of information of what the product does, and the belief that long term exposure is harmful. I believe that this was a good thread, and a lot was learnt from it, at least I did. :)
  73. ghostsword

    Easycarbo Short term fix or not?

    Better not to use the product I think. I have about a litre at home and will sell it on ebay, just to get rid of it, it is still brand new and closed. CO2 is safe to use on a tank and there are no side effects, they even use it for beverages. Obviously we breath in all sorts of stuff on the...
  74. ghostsword

    Easycarbo Short term fix or not?

    I am keeping it alright, it is fab product, just some controversy about it. When my Java Fern had some dark green algae on it, I diluted EasyCarbo to 1/2 water and sprayed it directly on the leaves, left it for 5 minutes outside the water and now the fern is looking it's best, no sign of algae.
  75. ghostsword

    Easycarbo Short term fix or not?

    You are right about the junk we breath in walking down the street... I have now purchased a JBL 2kg bottle, coupled with the two 500gram bottles I have should be enough CO2 for my 120L tank, while one is being refiled the others will be pumping CO2 into the tank.
  76. ghostsword

    Easycarbo Short term fix or not?

    Thanks Mr T, the thread viewtopic.php?f=21&t=6854 was very informative. I have been using EasyCarbo for a while now. Will stop using it, just in case. I got a open top tank, and kids in the house, if any of them developed any respiratory problems I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Will...
  77. ghostsword

    Easycarbo Short term fix or not?

    Hi, I use it everyday, not as main CO2 into the tank, but to ensure that I don't run out of it. As my tank has much more plants than fish, I feel that the more CO2 I have the better. Also Easycarbo kills algae, so that is good. I do 2ml daily for my 120L tank, early morning.
  78. ghostsword

    CO2 Distribution and Algae issue

    Yes, EI introduces more work, but the results are very good, you just need to dedicate more time to it. My tank has a punny 70W of light, and it is doing very well. :)
  79. ghostsword

    CO2 Distribution and Algae issue

    Hi Mike, From what I have been reading, and from my own experience, I would say that you are not dosing enough nutrients for the CO2 and light you have. For a 45G tank I would dose 10ml TPN+ daily, with two 20% water changes a week to prevent build up of nutrients. I have a 22G tank, and...