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  1. ghostsword

    shops in london with good selection of plants?

    FreshWater Shrimp, in Walthamstow.. great selection.. :) ADC is hit and miss..
  2. ghostsword

    Java plants

    Ditto, if not tropica or aquafleur I really don't bother. Pets at home has now tropica plants at great deals! ___________________________
  3. ghostsword

    Where do you buy your plants from?

    The issue is a lack of education, and the LFS make their money selling plants that will die off soon. People will come for more after a month or so. Also many shops bread and butter are fish, and sundries, plants may be a small form of income, so they really don't care if they sell or not.
  4. ghostsword

    Where do you buy your plants from?

    Perfect!! :) that is a good tip. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
  5. ghostsword

    Where do you buy your plants from?

    I have bought plants from aquaessentials and tgm, both amazing quality. The iaaue is not the plants being tropica, but how they are kept after getting to the shop. Bought tropica plants from other suppliers and they got to me half dead. If you go the conditions right then even if you get a...
  6. ghostsword


    Tropica plant are good, the issue is that most retailers need to get at least 5 pots, and the prices are not that high. You see te same at pets at home, 3 pots for £11, that is a great price, and for sure they are making money. :) We need to support more retailers like that, good service and...
  7. ghostsword

    Recommend Custom Aquarium supplier?

    I also got a tank from Edis (piece-of-fish), and it is superb. Optiwhite, very little silicone, really small amount, and was a great price. The good thing is that he also get's cabinets. :) He had some tanks for sale, drop him a line to see if he still has some in stock.
  8. ghostsword

    Selling some Rare HYGROPHILA SP. 'ARAGUAIA'

    Sure, the plant is going on an emersed tank, so should have cuttings soon. .
  9. ghostsword

    Selling some Rare HYGROPHILA SP. 'ARAGUAIA'

    Thanks, just bought it. :) .
  10. ghostsword


    Edited for breaking the UKAPS Rules and Guidelines.
  11. ghostsword


    Edited for breaking the UKAPS Rules and Guidelines.
  12. ghostsword


    The price match is a good idea, but you may not be looking at the whole story, or comparing apples with apples. :) For example, I get a pot from Tropica I am 100% sure that the plants are healthy, with good root stock, ready to be placed on the tank and thrive. I get the same plant from other...
  13. ghostsword

    Where to buy in London?

    The Aquatic Design Centre is good, they stock ADA, and have tropica plants. They are in great portland street, in London.
  14. ghostsword

    Aquarium Shops in Canarywarf

    No money in east ham.. :)
  15. ghostsword

    Aquarium Shops in Canarywarf

    If ever an aquarium shop open in Canary Warf, and stocks ADA, puts some show tanks like the ones that TGM has, that shop will make a killing.. :) If only I was brave enough to try it out, if only.. :)
  16. ghostsword

    shrimp and snail shops in Germany

    Thanks. I may order some nerites, I am looking for ones that breed in fresh water.
  17. ghostsword

    shrimp and snail shops in Germany

    Did the shrimp survived for that long on a bag?
  18. ghostsword

    Best buy for quantity for money???

    You are right mate.. On the current weather, which is perfect for tropical plants, they would even grow from cuttings outside on the garden. For a quick carpet you cannot go wrong with Marsilea, but it needs ferts and CO2 to grow quick underwater. You can somehow cheat, get a plastic mesh...
  19. ghostsword

    Best buy for quantity for money???

    I have been buying plants from plantedtanks website, they are cheap and good quality, but it will not beat the quality of plants you see on the forum here. From mosses, to Staurogyne, whole pots of Cryps, hairgrasses, blixa, and Java fern, almost all can be found on the UKAPS forum. If you...
  20. ghostsword

    Has anyone used this plant supplier?

    They have some crazy sale now.. Classic.. Must have bought more than they can keep. :)
  21. ghostsword

    Has anyone used this plant supplier?

    I have only bought plants from them, so cannot comment on the tweezers. The ferts, it they have all the nutrients are a good buy, but to use ferts you should use CO2 as well. I have found out that planting materials is something that should be seen before buying: tweezers, scissors, etc.
  22. ghostsword

    Has anyone used this plant supplier?

    Hi have used him often, not only for plants but for shrimps and substrates. He has now started to sell emmersed plants as well. I don't know how he makes money from selling plants at under £2, but I am glad that he does sell them that cheap, very easy to try new setups without costing the...
  23. ghostsword

    Has anyone used this plant supplier?

    I just got a large order from them, and the plants are just amazing.. I got bunches instead of pots, but the quality is very good. The one I am now after for my nano is Eriocaulon Cinereum / Ashy Pipewort, they seem to be the only shop selling it: http://www.plantedtanks.co.uk/eriocaulo ...
  24. ghostsword

    Has anyone used this plant supplier?

    I got it potted, should have had it bunched really, almost the same. :) The plants have doubled in size, so soon should have cuttings for tea. The shrimp I do not believe that they are free, :) , will ask the shop owner for more details..
  25. ghostsword

    Has anyone used this plant supplier?

    I have used the site quite a lot, and have ordered three times from them. Got the plants alright, and even got some freebies, such as 4 C Balansae, which was good.:) The plants are good quality and very well packaged, and very very cheap. L Aromatica for under £2? How good is that? And now...
  26. ghostsword

    New online plant store

    ... which is easy to achieve.. :) There are some really good bargains on the Sale section...
  27. ghostsword

    What to buy and where in China

    Hi., there is a user here, mlgt, he goes often to HK and China, and he knows of amazing places there to buy kit, some of them may have websites, drop him a line.. :)
  28. ghostsword

    New online plant store

    Also, I would setup a Twitter account, people follow on Twitter, join on Facebook.. :) Great site, very good indeed, the way we can group plants by continent just helps out, especially if we are setting up a biotope.
  29. ghostsword

    New online plant store

    Hi Tony, Great site.. I was looking for Amazon's, and couldn't find them on your site, until I saw that Echinodorus has been misspelt, you named it Echindorous. Great plants you got, and really cheap, with the low postage prices it is indeed a shop to look at. Very good that you accept...