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  1. ghostsword

    Hi from Madeira

    Ola Pedro.. bem vindo..
  2. ghostsword

    Hello from Azores

    You also? Great! ___________________________
  3. ghostsword

    Hello from Azores

    Ola Luis! :) ___________________________
  4. ghostsword

    Hi from a new member

    Fantastic, what sort of fish were available on the shops, and plants? Got any pictures? I am very interested on aquariums early history. .
  5. ghostsword

    Hi from a new member

    Welcome to the forum.. :) 50 years keeping tanks on and off is a long time, you must have seen some amazing setups, and have a lot of history to share with. What is the oldest form of filtration you remember? For me, in the mid 80's, was the hang on filter powered by a air pump. :D I wish I...
  6. ghostsword

    From South Africa

    Good to see you here too.. :)
  7. ghostsword

    From South Africa

    APSA is really cool, friendly people and lots to learn there. :)
  8. ghostsword

    Visitor seeking advice

    If you are short on time, then ADC and Wholesale Tropicals are the only ones I would recommend, and in that order. :) ADC is a really good shop, lots of fish, lots of plants, some salt water tanks, split over two floors. They also stock ADA and many other brands...
  9. ghostsword

    UKAPS Members Photo Album

    Here I am with Saskya at the Lisbon Oceanario
  10. ghostsword

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    Hi, I am based in the UK and recently become more interested on plants. While browsing the net I came accross plantedtank.net, but the forum is based in the US. So I thought that there must be other plant enthusiasts in the UK, so after 10 to 15 minutes searching google I found your site. I...