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  1. ghostsword

    Forum Donations - Gauging Opinions (Poll)

    I am not fond of the subscription.. but I would favour a membership.. Are you guys even aware as how much a server hosting costs? Licensing? Time maintaining? Yes, some guys go to shows, but you can also go... nobody is stopping you going to a show, do some scapes, and have a good time...
  2. ghostsword

    New Moderators - Ian Holdich and Ady34

    Congrats guys.!!! Well done..
  3. ghostsword

    Feedback on Forum Upgrade

    yeah, will have to.. :) but I am getting there, replied to two posts already, so just need to figure out what I am doing wrong.. :) For example it keeps flashing Draft Saved..
  4. ghostsword

    Feedback on Forum Upgrade

    I got rid of the cache, and done a Chrome upgrade.. Still times out .. :( will continue to troubleshoot.
  5. ghostsword

    Feedback on Forum Upgrade

    I got right of the cache, and done a Chrome upgrade.. must better now.. :) thanks Paulo..
  6. ghostsword

    Feedback on Forum Upgrade

    Thanks will try.. I am sure that the issue is on my side then.. if nobody else is experiencing the issues. I am using chrome.
  7. ghostsword

    Feedback on Forum Upgrade

    The following error occurred: The server did not respond in time. Please try again.
  8. ghostsword

    Feedback on Forum Upgrade

    Well, then the issue is on my side.. this thing is slow as hell.. :( hence why I have not been active as much.. Many times I get: The following error occurred: The server did not respond in time. Please try again
  9. ghostsword

    Feedback on Forum Upgrade

    I cannot believe how slow the site is.. :( tried it using ie, chrome and firefox.. from home, from work, etc.. The site looks great, but too slow.. :(
  10. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 Competition

    damm.. I forgot that there was a £300 prize.. It was amazing to just enter, but now it is way better.. :thumbup: need to start thinking about a killer scape.. :clap:
  11. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 Competition

    What are the the tank dimensions? 60cm cube? or more of a rectangular tank?
  12. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 Competition

    Very happy about it.. last year it was a lot of fun, and I am sure that this year will be twice as good.. :)
  13. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 Competition

    Thanks .. Looking forward to this ... :)
  14. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 Competition

    Come on guys, get on it.. The show last year was amazing, and this year will be even better.. I have space on my home for two or three people, so get on it.. :)
  15. ghostsword

    Aquatics Live 2012 Competition

    Will be another awesome event.. I am entering for sure..:) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  16. ghostsword

    Mark, the Expert!

    Well done, top guy, great advisor and a true example to follow.
  17. ghostsword

    [UKAPS-LAC] Vote for your favourite aquascape

    :) I am happy that I have the chance to display what I am capable at the show. :) Hope that there are enough plants to play with, I am aiming for a jungle! :)
  18. ghostsword

    [UKAPS-LAC] Vote for your favourite aquascape

    Paulo, any chance that the permissions can be sorted out? Not a big thing, but a couple of threads are having issues with tapatalk when posting also, some SQL errors.
  19. ghostsword

    [UKAPS-LAC] Vote for your favourite aquascape

    Yep, if only about 100 active users then the numbers are very good. :) And true, as long as there are 10 winners all is good, the opportunity to show our skills in London on such a great show is not something to pass up. Can the thread be made visible Under tapatalk?
  20. ghostsword

    [UKAPS-LAC] Vote for your favourite aquascape

    Also, the thread is not visible under tapatalk, could that be the reason for a low vote count?
  21. ghostsword

    [UKAPS-LAC] Vote for your favourite aquascape

    It is a sad state of affairs, as if people just do not care, but that is life. However of the 6000 registered people how many are active users?
  22. ghostsword

    [UKAPS-LAC] Vote for your favourite aquascape

    There are some really good tanks on show! :) --- - .
  23. ghostsword

    Changing times for UKAPS

    I think that some of the biotopes and the planted tanks section on PFK have prices.. :) But yet, planted tanks is an expensive hobby, but only if you want to, look for plants on the forum, they also sell rocks, lamps, all sorts. Also look at some of the sponsors, good quality kit. I recommend...
  24. ghostsword

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Well done in choosing Paulo as an Admin, he has fantastic technical skills and he's done a great job when he took over the admin for LFKC Forum, brought it back from the dead. :) Looking forward to an updated UKAPS. :thumbup: