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  1. ghostsword

    Water barrel idea over!!

    Fill the barrel with tap water, get a solar powered pond filter of sorts, aereate the water, you will save on aquasafe.. :) Also, you can fill it with tank water, and then use that water in the garden, etc.. Lot's of uses for the 1000L tank.. :)
  2. ghostsword

    TDS of London Tap Water

    I get 300 on my tap water, east london. I now use a RO unit to drop it to 20, an do a 50% tap mix water change. About tasting water.. Yuk, london tap is pretty manky. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  3. ghostsword

    If it's yellow, let it mellow and RO is the devil

    I have actually moved to RO water now, leave it overnight and get a 20l of RO ready for WC. Yes, ethically sounds wrong, but shouldn't the government force thames water to fix the leaks in the first place? ___________________________
  4. ghostsword


    I do the same. I use a Tetra Pond product, same price as tetra safe but much more concentrated. I dose 1ml for my 100l tank at every wc. :) ___________________________
  5. ghostsword

    Sudden Water Parameter Changes

    Other than all you mentioned... :) That seems that your issue is right there on your description: - dead matter decaying - dead larva at the bottom - filter not working I would be worried I you did not have those parameters. :) First think is a good clean on the pond, followed by a filter...
  6. ghostsword

    setting up nano using ADA (Ammonia related alqae)

    Why not get some stem plants, such as hygros and let them floating on your tank, they would absorbe Ammonia, and would grow very fast, as they would get the CO2 they need closer to the surface. Otherwise, get some Riccia on it, let it floating, it soaks up lots of ammonia, and you would end up...
  7. ghostsword


    Hi, I was having issues with my amazon swords, and after some reading on the forums I just added much more iron into the tank, provided much more nutrients to the plants and they rewarded me with amazing growth and beauty. I am not sure that the plants care much about the water GH or PH...
  8. ghostsword

    The expense of hard water....

    Many thanks.. I will follow your advice. Will leave the water but with a net on top, as I would not want a cat or leaves to fall into it, but want mosquitos et all to drop criters there, then once a week with a net catch whatever is there for the tank. :) I will buy daphnia at the LFS, I...
  9. ghostsword

    The expense of hard water....

    I actually really like this idea.. I will buy a water butt this weekend and leave it to fill up. Where would I find the daphnia? Maybe I will put some duckweed there as well... :) Really good idea.. :)