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  1. ghostsword

    Emersed Setups- a growing collection

    Nice to see people doing emersed plants.. :) really cool
  2. ghostsword


    Not spanish, portuguese. Basically you can setup a terrarium with potting soil, rocks and moss. A terrarium is just a fancy word for emersed, same thing. :)
  3. ghostsword

    suitable riparium plants

    I have grown all of the above in my home tank, in London.. :)
  4. ghostsword

    suitable riparium plants

    Any plant... all hygrophilas, anubias, echinodorus, basically anything you want to try..
  5. ghostsword

    Andys HC propagator step by step

    You are an inspiration.
  6. ghostsword

    Home Lohas brings hydroponic gardening into your room

    You can make something similar for way less money.. :) but good try, some people would want something out of the box..
  7. ghostsword

    smallest species of plant grown emmersed

    HC will grow fine emersed, as long as the soil is moist, it will grow.. Also moss, such as fissidens, will grow fine emersed.. :) If you can cover the pots, then crypts are amazing plants to grow emersed,
  8. ghostsword

    Emersed Garden cube

    Some updates.. Had to add the mini houses, they were just too cute.. Cube Garden by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  9. ghostsword

    Pics of my emersed stuff

    High light.. :) and mist regularly. Do a trim a well, soon you will have buds. It has small purple flowers.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  10. ghostsword

    Emersed Garden cube

    The tank has been moved inside, to make space for a larger tank outside. Emersed scape by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Emersed scape by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Emersed Java fern Emersed scape by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr On Location Emersed scapes by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr...
  11. ghostsword

    Pics of my emersed stuff

    Looks really cool!! ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  12. ghostsword

    Emersed Garden cube

    I could send you some cuttings, but I have a hard time in getting cuttings from emersed to take hold. They all melt unless they are in water all the time. Pm me your address and I will send you some. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  13. ghostsword

    Emersed Garden cube

    Now with the summer it will be better.. But yes, could so with more sun. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  14. ghostsword

    Emersed Garden cube

    Emersed are easy, and less things to go wrong, so I can concentrate on composition and have more tanks going. Hard is to dispose of the cutings. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  15. ghostsword

    Emersed Garden cube

    Substrate is amazonia. I would like to raise the water level a bit, but only after summer. Want to see these plants grow much more and have some flowers. The emersed java fern is my favourite. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  16. ghostsword

    Emersed Garden cube

    This is a 35cm optiwhite cube. Hardscape is bogwood and some seriyu stone. Plants are pogestemon (downoi), java fern, hygrophila corymbosa and hydrocotyle sp japan. Also got some emersed riccia and moss on the rocks and wood. Easy to take care and low maintenance. Covered to aid with...
  17. ghostsword

    Tribute to a Tributary. Wet and wild... and now with...

    Tribute to a Tributary, emersed experiment Altheranthera Reinicky (check spelling) should stay red. Also Amanias are also a good option. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  18. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    Try it, it is very easy. If you got ferts on the water the plants will grow on anything. My next scape will be just wood and then plants attached to it.. :) anything can grow on wood really. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  19. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    I just keep cutting them, I would like them to keep floating at the water level. I just need to trim the roots, they will take hold and grow much more. :)
  20. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    The hygrophila sp has now taken hold of the wood, and has roots trailing 40cm down to the amazonia substrate. :) Has had two trims and now it is like a tree.. :) Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Hygrophila roots.. by...
  21. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    The wood had some holes, so I just placed a stem of hygrophila corymbosa on it, then placed moss on top and some hydrocotyle tripartita. On a exo terra I have a mess of emersed plants. Marsilea sp, a hydrocotyle that has been with me for two winters now, Polygonum sp. (now flowering) and some...
  22. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    We can chat here, it may help others to try also. This hygro grows fast, took a while to establish but now if its a fast weed. The rule I follow is that if there are nutrients on the water the plants will grow. :) ___________________________
  23. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    I have been doing it for a while, but the best Ive seen was from Graeme Edwards! ___________________________
  24. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    Thanks Mike.. :) I like it Woodi-kusa!
  25. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    I got this Hygrophile sp. growing on wood.. Cannot remember what Hygrophila is. There is also moss, and some Hydrocotyle sp. Japan growing on the wood. At the submerged area there is a Java Fern, my first ever Java Fern, bought it in 2002. It has been hacked, trimmed hard, left emersed, now...
  26. ghostsword

    Emersed plants for a nano

    All hygros are great at low humidity. Pinnatifida looks great as a bush. Remember that Tropica grows all their plants emersed, so you are half way there. This tank is just hygros, grown on the garden, in the UK.. No misting, and during summer. Emersed Hygro's by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr...
  27. ghostsword

    Emersed plants for a nano

    Marsilea is a good plant, and so is any type of hydrocotyle. Other nice plants are hygrophilas. :) ___________________________
  28. ghostsword

    growing hairgrass emmersed

    It is amazing he?! :) I cant wait to go to a hot country and grow plants outside. ___________________________
  29. ghostsword

    Emersed bowl, room humidity

    Thanks... Emersed plants are really cool, especially as they flower. :)
  30. ghostsword

    Little emersed jar NOW 29G EMERSED

    Great! keep it closed so that the moisture stays in. :) I got a similar setup, but no soil, just gravel and plants on pots, easy to change water, and as I dose ferts on the water, the plants get all they want. Looking good.
  31. ghostsword

    Little emersed jar NOW 29G EMERSED

    Little emersed jar Looks very good. :) .
  32. ghostsword

    Emersed bowl, room humidity

    The thing to remember is that slow transition is a must, but you will get there. I had plants growing on the garden, most were brought inside now, but still got a few there. If you live in London pop in to east London and pick up some. :) .
  33. ghostsword

    Emersed bowl, room humidity

    Trial and error, but most stems can e used. :) .
  34. ghostsword

    Emersed bowl, room humidity

    :) there is a lot that can be done with emersed plants. :)
  35. ghostsword

    Emersed bowl, room humidity

    Changed a couple of plants on the bowl. The Hydrocotyle Tripartita took over.. :) Emersed bowl by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Emersed bowl by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  36. ghostsword

    Emersed Tank 2 new pics

    Emersed Tank moss question One word about the fogger, do not leave it on for too long, some plants melt with too much humidity. :) Spray once or twice a day and you should be fine. .
  37. ghostsword

    My emersed setup - Tesco Jar 19/9

    My emersed setup - new pics Maybe they can order them. I will take a picture later on, I'm using it for housing garden spiders, crickets and snails. :) --- - .
  38. ghostsword

    My emersed setup - Tesco Jar 19/9

    My emersed setup - new pics :) yep emersed plants are just fantastic, very little goes wrong with them. For tall propagators check pets at home they got this homes for insects, really tall. --- - .
  39. ghostsword

    My emersed setup - Tesco Jar 19/9

    Re: My emersed setup - new pics Great display of emersed plants, I am happy that more and more people are trying emersed displays. They are in my opinion more interesting than underwater scapes. :)
  40. ghostsword

    Growing Cryptocoryne emersed?

    Ok, will try with some, just half emersed at first then let them grow out. --- - .
  41. ghostsword

    Growing Cryptocoryne emersed?

    I am to start some crypts emersed, on a vivarium with high humidity. Never tried it but I've read that it is hard. :) --- - .
  42. ghostsword

    Low humidity emersed plants?

    This is what I have on my garden now, open air. So Polygonum, hairgrass, porsepinaca palustris, riccia, lileaopsis and many more would do good.
  43. ghostsword

    Emersed bowl, room humidity

    Better video this time :)
  44. ghostsword

    EI spray mix

    :) They are emerse, so they would not care about CO2.. :) The issue I had with tap water was the deposit it would leave on the leaves, but also works. :)
  45. ghostsword

    EI spray mix

    I spray with tank water, but should be the same as you would do the tank. So I do 15ml per 40l, so divide that until you got a dosage. :) --- - .
  46. ghostsword

    Emersed bowl, room humidity

    @ghostsword - I have a bowl that has had emersed plants for a while now. The list of plants are: - Alternanthera Lilacina (Currently flowering) - Echinodorus sp. (growing very slowly after loosing two leaves to snails) - Hydrocotyle sp japan - Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides - Hydrocotyle...
  47. ghostsword

    Grow cuttings emersed

    Pretty much so, just put them in water first so that roots develop, then pot on really moist soil and decrease humidity gradually. .
  48. ghostsword

    Green aphids

    I have lots of plants outside and the best tool I found is easy carbo diluted 3 to 1 with water, then spray on the plants. Wait 30 minutes and spray with tank water. I do it twice a week. Snails are my biggest issue, but a bit of salt around the pots do the job. .
  49. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    Thanks. The unknown plant is growing, so will see what it turns out to be.
  50. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    Darell, by the way, this one, do you know the name? I know it is a Hydrocotyle, but not sure of the species: Hydrocotyle variegated "yellow and green" by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  51. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    Thanks Darrel, The Veronica is a surprise, and a odd one, as I bought from a online shop as Bacopa. :) Could I send you a couple of cuttings so that you can do a ID on it? The unidentified one, that I thought is a Polygonum is not a Falopia, the leaves are very diferent, nothing like this...
  52. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    Got some odd looking Hydrocotyle, really small leaves, the yellow ball you see is osmocote. :) Hydrocotyle variegated "yellow and green" by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Hydrocotyle variegated "yellow and green" by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  53. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    An update of what I have now, the good weather is helping. Bacopa on moss ball. Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Lileaopsis emersed: Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Hairgrass, lieaopsis and bacopa: Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Unknown plant, I think that it may be Polygonum sp...
  54. ghostsword

    My vivarium (pic heavy)

    Thanks, it is amazing how nice it all looks! .
  55. ghostsword

    My vivarium (pic heavy)

    It is really nice. Looks great. Why misting system do you use? Or is it manual?
  56. ghostsword

    Aponogeton crispus 'Red' flower

    Yeah, echinodorus flowers are different from these, much more beautiful and dainty. :) However flowers on a tank are stunning, an a sign that the plant has everything needed to be healthy enough to send a flower up, all that costs nutrients that the plant obviously has in large supply. I think...
  57. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    I placed another acrylic tank outside, on the shade, got some floating plants and some ramshorn snails, may put some guppies on it maybe a pair or two, or just females. Having water on the garden is good as birds will drink from it. Now imagine if one was living in the tropics ? How could would...
  58. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    The riccia is growing much differently on the mud, it has thicker strands. .
  59. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    I just have them on soil mixed with clay and some old tank substrate. The plants are open to the elements. Some do melt, but others are doing very well. Riccia for example has changed completely, and so as the rotalas, it looks much better. I think that is for this reason that Wabi Kusa's...
  60. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    The weather is picking up, and from March to September I usually have aquatic plants on the garden, just need to top up with tank water, and let them grow. This is what I got this year. DSC_2014 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr DSC_2011 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr DSC_2000 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr...
  61. ghostsword

    The Dream...planning for a massive Wabi...

    Hi, I had hygros growing outside on the garden, from March to October, hydrocotyle also grows very well, as long with hairgrasses and lileaopsis. The issue is that plants will grow slower if the weather is too cold and they will die if the soil freezes. Look on my flickr pages for my garden...
  62. ghostsword

    HC Propergator Journal into DSM

    Re: HC Propergator Journal I am growing HC emersed, open air, at the window sill, with just twice misting a day, on garden soil, and after some melting and two weeks finaly I am seeing some sprouts coming up. Tiny little leaves. :) I would say keep the soil moist and let a bit of air in.
  63. ghostsword

    UK Moss and bog plants on a square tray

    Soil is a Aquasoil mixed with clay and peat. I use the water from the main tank, so it get's EI salts. :)
  64. ghostsword

    UK Moss and bog plants on a square tray

    I have been struggling with keeping humidity high enough to setup a Wabi with the usual plants, such as rotalas, etc. Tried with UK moss, and some of the non aquatics sold on most LFS's. It is a month old, and the moss is what I found outside, the plants the usual non aquatics on most shops...
  65. ghostsword

    Wabi Kusa farm

    Hi, the Wabi's turned out to be quite good, I will post some pics today or tomorrow, although about 60% of it melted, what survived did very well. Most were given as presents during the festive period, a glass of live plants, that would be hard to kill, as they just need water and some...
  66. ghostsword

    Wabi Kusa farm

    It really looks like chocolate.. :) Red clay mixed with Tropica substrate and some coco coir.. :)
  67. ghostsword

    Wabi Kusa farm

    The "farm" is to allow me to get the plants ready to be trimmed and placed on smaller wabi's, which will be given as christmas presents. These are all Hygros, but I am also taking mondo grass, and some draeceanas from the main tank, and mosses from the emersed area.
  68. ghostsword

    Wabi Kusa farm

    I am starting a emersed setup, and this will be my Wabi Kusa farm. Got the plants from Tony (Planted Tanks) Choose the alive ones: Got the kids busy: Planted the lot:
  69. ghostsword

    Open top tank and emersed anubias & others

    Re: Open top tank and emersed anubias & others I believe that unless you use a large variety of Anubias, they go get somewhat boring after a while, so that is maybe many people drop from it. I like Anubias and they are good plants to use, but emersed is not easy, as you need to have high...
  70. ghostsword

    Open top tank and emersed anubias & others

    Re: Open top tank and emersed anubias & others I have used a number of plants at very low humidity, and Hydrocotyle are very good indeed, even just floating on the water. You can also use moss, or spagnum moss to provide substrate for most hygros, as they also do not need humidity to grow and...
  71. ghostsword

    Funny plant sprouting from hairgrass clumps

    It seems to be marsilea angustifolia!!! "Pot Pourri" as Dell Boy would say.. this is fantastic.. :) It must have come mixed up on the hairgrass. What a winner.. Looks like these, but single stems.
  72. ghostsword

    Emmersed Hygrophila Corymbosa

    The Hygrophila left on the garden, to the London elements, and watered with some EI water from the tank, has grown much taller and colourful than the one on the office.
  73. ghostsword

    Funny plant sprouting from hairgrass clumps

    Thanks.. It must have came with the hairgrass then. The leaves on the stems are usually closed at night time, and when sun came out they open. It would look good on a Wabi Kusa, so I may collect it end of summer and place it in the house. Will see if I can take a better shot with roots an all.
  74. ghostsword

    Funny plant sprouting from hairgrass clumps

    Hi, I got these four or three clover plant sprouting up from between the emersed hairgrass. Do you know if the hairgrass has that leaf form? I have not seen it before:
  75. ghostsword

    Emmersed Hygrophila Corymbosa

    The beautiful thing about hygro's is that they come from areas that are easily flooded, you flood them and they will adapt quickly, in less than a week with good nutrients and CO2 they will develop their underwater leaved. At the end of summer I will submerge the plants and have them...
  76. ghostsword

    Emmersed Hygrophila Corymbosa

    I am not saying that they are hard to grow emersed, just that the plant will change when placed underwater. :) I actually like the plant much more emersed than imersed, looks much better.
  77. ghostsword

    Emmersed Hygrophila Corymbosa

    This is emmersed, on a DSM you will plan to get it full of water, right? The plant will change dramatically.
  78. ghostsword

    Emmersed Hygrophila Corymbosa

    Two weeks grow, the good weather is really making it healthy. :) Will go back on my tank during the holidays, half in the water, half out.
  79. ghostsword

    Has anyone had any real sucess with emmersed growing?

    Easy.. I got some if you want. :) Got them online from Blisshome: http://www.blisshome.co.uk/interdesign- ... ar-prod959 The results of emmersed plants on the planters is really cool: There is also a seller online that has what you need, he might ship to the UK. Look for Riparium Supply.
  80. ghostsword

    Has anyone had any real sucess with emmersed growing?

    40cm cube left on the garden with AquaSoil and cuttings.. :)
  81. ghostsword

    Plan for an basic tank with some plant's emersed?

    Hygrophila Corymbosa is very good, it adapts easily to emmersed setup: With good humidity to start with you can have other plants as well, such as H Difformis, Polysperma, etc.
  82. ghostsword

    lowest humidty for emersed anubias?

    Thanks.. I will get a bed of Hydrocotyle for it as well, so that the mud is not visible. :) it will look better that way..
  83. ghostsword

    lowest humidty for emersed anubias?

    Thanks Matt.. the tank is big, 30cm cube, with at least 10cm substrate. I am going to the meet, will take the plants and put them on a carrier bag, making sure that the roots are good. I do have one bowl of Hygrophila Corymbosa that you could babysit for me.. :) Just need to keep topped up...
  84. ghostsword

    lowest humidty for emersed anubias?

    I will try that winter time. I am moving the plants from the garden to inside the house. Have a 30cm cube, so will try to get the anubias and a amazon growing emmersed. Will be a good winter project, then I can put them outside on the summer. Would you like my emmersed Hygro's? Come to my...
  85. ghostsword

    lowest humidty for emersed anubias?

    I am following this thread so closely.. You managed to grow Amazon swords at room humidity... I would like to try that. About the anubias, I have tried, but they dry out. Got one floating on the tank now for a while, and it is developing some leaves, but it is very small, about 5cm tall...
  86. ghostsword

    Emmersed Hygrophila Corymbosa

    I managed to get Hygrophila Corymbosa to grow emmersed on the office, on a bed of Tropica aquasoil always wet.
  87. ghostsword

    My messy emmersed swamp

    Neither did I.. I know it is the H Difformis as it has the submerged leaves (serrated) on the bottom. If you look at the second picture you can see on the middle the serrated leaves, then the stem, and the small hairs. along the stem, with the round leaves. It is a weird thing to see..
  88. ghostsword

    My messy emmersed swamp

    Thanks.. Coming back from holidays I will try to learn more about aquascaping. Got the two nature books from Amano, missing the 3rd, and I read them often, got some ideas, but for now I will copy others. I am also waiting for the acrylic tanks from Garuf, but they seem not to be ready yet. My...
  89. ghostsword

    My messy emmersed swamp

    Well, almost 4 months have passed.. Some plants died, others flowered and thrived. The Hydro's are doing very well, and have shown some weird characteristics. the stems and leaves have some small hooks so that they can hold on to other plants. It seems that Hygrophila Difformis is a creeper...
  90. ghostsword

    My emersed growth setup for the first time. Any suggestion?

    Re: My emersed growth setup for the first time. Any suggesti Reason enough, I did't know that. I will replace the rockwool with filter floss, it will work out cheaper anyway. Thanks for the tip. A mix of broken lava rock and wood fragements for substrate for ferns and anubias would be a good...
  91. ghostsword

    My emersed growth setup for the first time. Any suggestion?

    Re: My emersed growth setup for the first time. Any suggesti Is there any benefit of filter moss over rockwool? I use rockwool on my pots, even on the ones immersed, and see no drawback, however I have not used filter moss.
  92. ghostsword

    My emersed growth setup for the first time. Any suggestion?

    Re: My emersed growth setup for the first time. Any suggesti Hi Daniel, Your plants looks very healthy, nice setup. I got Hygrophila Polisperma growing on a goldfish bowl, with just wet soil, on the open air. I started by decreasing the humidity gradually and although some leaves dried out...
  93. ghostsword

    Hydrocotyle verticillata outside on the garden

    Fantastic.. I will look for Hydrocotyle vulgaris now, rather keep a local plant than a tropical one, and the plant is really showy on a glass tank, filling it up. It seems a perfect plant to use with insects or amphibians, quick to grow and easy to maintain.
  94. ghostsword

    Hydrocotyle verticillata outside on the garden

    Thanks Chris, The plant is an authentic weed, I got so much of it that I do not know what to do with it. I wonder if it will survive the winter.. :) If it survives the winter, then it is a plant *not* to release on the wild, as it can for sure take over any moist area.
  95. ghostsword

    Using moss as substrate for floating island

    :) Yep, EI makes everything grow like mad. The only plants I currently have that need soil are the Amazon's, even rotalas grow on a bunch. I have now used your soil to try and grow L Aromatica emmersed, on a 5L bottle. the condensation should provide enough humidity to keep them growing. I got...
  96. ghostsword

    Hydrocotyle verticillata outside on the garden

    I got a old eco tank, the ones for reptiles, and placed some soil on the bottom, 10cm of water and dropped H Verticillata on it with some grass and Staurogyne. Staurogyne died out. This is on the nice London weather.. :)
  97. ghostsword

    Using moss as substrate for floating island

    Emmersing Willow moss:
  98. ghostsword

    Using moss as substrate for floating island

    :) yep, here they are: Hydrocotyle Verticillata on a 20cm floating raft: Flame moss bed, with staurogyne on top, also staurogyne and Lileaospsis on wood on the left side: Staurogyne on floating log:
  99. ghostsword

    Using moss as substrate for floating island

    Thanks I will try it today.. The moss is growing higher than the algae, but would not like it to spread out to the rest of the tank.
  100. ghostsword

    Using moss as substrate for floating island

    The islands are taking off, got mosses, Marsilea and Hydrocotyle V growing on it. On one island, 15cm by 10cm, the flame moss growing emmersed has started to be attached by algae, green silky algae that is growing mixed with it. I can dose some easycarbo on it, but I do not want to kill the...