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  1. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    George, the scape is really a work of art.. maybe one of my favorite scapes.. I am copying that one.. :) Love everything about it.. the rocks, the water movement, the moss, the fish position.. everything is so perfect..
  2. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    I think I missed the journal to this one.. This is an amazing scape.. Where is the journal for it?
  3. ghostsword

    George's Hillside (new Signature layout)

    Superb scape.. so clean and nice.. Really like it..
  4. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    No, do not stop.. keep taking photos, videos, and keep us update.. I am learning with every single post of yours.. :)
  5. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    :) Tom, I said the same a while ago, and you replied the same.. Not getting carried away at all.. :) Dude, this lay out is simply awesome.. I got no words in English to describe how awesome it is. I am not even sure the fish know they are in a fish tank... :)
  6. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    This may be the best nature scape I have ever seen. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  7. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Rosy Loaches.. how many people have bred them ? :) not many I think.. Let this guys know how you did it.. "Tuberoschistura arakanensis" — Loaches Online Your tank is really a natural habitat for your fish.. that is really nice..
  8. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    You got great skills.. the tank is just amazing.. I always visit the forum hoping to see an update on this tank.. :) Superb..
  9. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    Your plan is perfect George.. Or better ... Lots of wood and rocks, and move them around when bored. Ferns, moss and pinnatifida can grow on rocks and wood. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  10. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    It is an amazing scape... also great explanations of how you got to achieve it, from day one. Could you do a 5 minute video of it, and release it once the results are announced? It would be really good to see the tank in movement. A really nice aquascape, it will place high surely.
  11. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    How did it become like that? WOW, that is fast growth.. amazing..
  12. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    I will do one, lots of space in Cape Town.. :) Truly an inspiration.. I am usually a guy with lots of imagination, but this tank surpasses all I could have dreamed.. You did good... you did good.. Please keep sharing the videos..
  13. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Dude... I reiterate.. this is the best, most amazing, and true to the title of Nature Aquarium.. I am sure that even the fish are fooled in thinking that they are in a river somewhere.. Gob-smacked.. this is what I will be aiming at getting in the next couple of years.. Truly inspirational.
  14. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    I always found your journals very informative and a pleasure to read and follow. It is really nice you take the effort to write and document the process. Good idea on the TMC, using a 12 hour period, with a ramp up of 4 hours. One of the reasons I like the TMC tiles so much is the...
  15. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Thanks for sharing.. very interesting indeed.
  16. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Darrel, Did the seeds germinate when falling into the tank, or on a mud substrate?
  17. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    It would be so cool if you get some seeds.. not sure how you would germinate them.. but cool.. :)
  18. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    It looks amazing.. :) solid hardscape. I would have left it like this:
  19. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    Drop the water level.. :) below the substrate. Use a fine mesh and a co2 pipe to suck it out, or use one of this:
  20. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    The aponogeton do not die after flowering.
  21. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    I also don't know why it works. :) just that it does.. :) I am very excited about this scape.. It will look awesome.. Well it does already, but it will look more awesome (if grammar allows for this construct). ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  22. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    Note that people that do vivariums use yoghurt and moss, for many years.. :) it is a very good way to get the moss going.
  23. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    You mean mixing the lot into a paste? Not a bad idea.. What I tried a while ago was moss, some amazonia and a few pelets of osmocote (two or three balls), pulverised the lot, and then caked it on wood and rocks.. it worked out ok..
  24. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    I do a lot of emersed tanks, and never used a mat.. What you need is humidity, so either cover the tank with cling film at the start or get a vivarium mister, and set it on a timer. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  25. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    Now this is a layout.. :) superb!!!
  26. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    I think that previous hardscape looked better... this one looks odd.. the space in the middle, the path is just odd. :) sorry..
  27. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    Number 12.. great rocks.. Number 14 cuts on the main rock is distracting.. :(
  28. ghostsword

    George's TMC Signature

    I was going to say the same.. :) 6 is like scree.. :)
  29. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Yeah, that depth is what makes the scape magical, you done an amazing job with it. :) Very interested on the microfauna, a can really imagine a tank that big just dedicated to little critters. :)
  30. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    :) Dude, the tank is just perfect.. and because it is so deep one can easily get lost on it.. I do not know what I would do differently on such a nice tank.. :)
  31. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    You have the nicest nature aquarium that I have ever seen.. superb!!!
  32. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    We were really lucky to have seen it. It was this scape that absolutely changed my perception of what an iwagumi is. I have not seen any picture that does justice to the scape. One to copy for sure. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  33. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    One of the best iwagumi's I have seen ...
  34. ghostsword

    Stu's 90x45x45 Apalala Shore - IAPLC 2012 #114 - AGA 2012 #3

    Re: Stu's 90x45x45 Apalala Shore - IAPLC 2012 World Rank #11 That is a awesome result, well done.. And the new scape?? Envious.. dude, you surely pushed the boundaries now, that manzy piece fits perfectly with the placement of the rocks.. superb..
  35. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55cm 'On the sea shore'

    You have to go to the flickr page and see the large image.. The detail is amazing.. the small patches of riccia in between the moss, the sacrificial stones, that is all taken by our brain, but in the whole picture it brings the natural feel, only when you look closely does it become clear...
  36. ghostsword

    A Chocolate Puddle -

    Re: A Chocolate Puddle - pic update Fricking awesome dude.. it totally rocks.. You should actually put this sort of tank on display, on a shopping center, doctors office, or on a shop.. this has to be shared.. Can you do an hour long movie? One of my favorites.
  37. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55cm 'On the sea shore'

    Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 2 weeks Amazing looking fish indeed, always my favorites from the rainbow family, and they stay small. Good tip with the stems.. :) one to surely follow. :) Do you plant them in bunches or individual stems? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  38. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55cm 'On the sea shore'

    Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted with pics Great tip with the reflections, and here we can see it to great effect.. Awesome! ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  39. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55cm 'On the sea shore'

    Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm stress testing Great hardscape, and the moss at the base does a great contrast.. :) really good. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  40. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    I hope so, voted for this tank.. :) and Ed's.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  41. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55cm 'On the sea shore'

    120 x 55 x 55cm 'On the sea shore' Glad you well mate, really happy. Looking forward to your scapes, something fresh to push aquascaping further along.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  42. ghostsword

    A Chocolate Puddle -

    A Chocolate Puddle Alastair, the tank is looking superb, great use of the emersed area. The cyperus looking great. Why not add some hygros or rotalas around the cyperus? On a floating raft? Great tank indeed, inspirational. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  43. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    I think that there is better than manzy.. have you checked out Water Cypress wood? Big massive pieces.. :) Tom Barr was selling some.
  44. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Mass destruction You are good mate, you are very good! ___________________________
  45. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing Wow dude, I would like to see that camera in action. :) With 36mp can you print to A0 :) ? I think that I will wait for it to drop in price. :) ___________________________
  46. ghostsword

    Stu's 90x45x45 Apalala Shore - IAPLC 2012 #114 - AGA 2012 #3

    Stu's 90x45x45 Dragon Stone Scape Stu, this has to be your best work ao far, blimey mate, it looks superb. I want to copy this!! :) ___________________________
  47. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 The Plan! Yaykes, You murdered the lawn!!?!? :) That is indeed a hard trimming, you were not joking about it! ___________________________
  48. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Pre trim pics. On the second picture there seems to be a lot of shade in the middle, yet glosso is thick and lush. How?? :) ___________________________
  49. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting prepared for a quick photo shoot. I have been sharing your videos not only on twitter, but also on various other forums, and send the links to my friends, many are not on forums. The latest video really shows the massive size of this tank. You find it easy to move...
  50. ghostsword

    NA Style Baby... (Update 24.12)

    Good lord! Great hardscape! :) Whats next? Iwagumi? ___________________________ Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
  51. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Why you should syphon! vid added Thanks for the video, really nice to see it. A lot of gunk that gets out he?!. :) ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
  52. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 @ 6 weeks. Why you should syphon! Great point, and I am glad that it was brought up. Won't the hovering of detritus also catch shrimp or fish? I use a air pipe to hover the substrate, time consuming but I am always worried if sucking up any fish...
  53. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Lighting and photographs. Spot on.. :) I was lost on the video, enjoying the music and marvelling at the fish swimming, the close up of the otos and the moss, then WHAM!! The hose came into view and I was snapped out of it. It is still a working tank, young at 2 weeks, yet...
  54. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Lighting and photographs. You are surely breaking away with many beliefs, first was the short light period (which I've tried and amazing improvement) and now with low flow. The beauty is that you have an amazing scape as proof!! :) You are a godsend to the aquascaping hobby! And...
  55. ghostsword

    NA Style Baby... (Update 24.12)

    NA Style Baby... (Some more life granted... Backlit shots) Those fish are ace! So that is what they are called! Lovely fish! ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please everyone!
  56. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Water changing and trimming. On a tank that size I would add a large shoal of tiger barbs, 30 or so. Add 10 green variety and another 10 albinos. Great shoalers, all over the show. .
  57. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 @ 1 week old. Mark, great looking setup, looks amazing one week on. Do you have a air pump running on the tank at night? .
  58. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody. Yeah, those shrimp are cool. A few years back I came back from holidays to find all my fish dead. A filter pipe had kinked and no filtration, the moron of my brother just kep feeding the fish, even though they were mostly dead. I really can't figure that out. So when I...
  59. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody. The Vesuvius will look amazing so close up. :) Am I confusing ghost shrimp with river shrimp? My local shop sells some clear shrimp at 10p each, surely they cannot be the same. :) Great hardscape, the plants will surely try to take over, so will be a challenge to keep...
  60. ghostsword

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    How is UG coping with the ferts on the water? I thought that UG liked very acidic and bare water parameters.
  61. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Attack of the triffid (page 17) Wow, that would be a tree.. :) I noticed that the leaves go slightly brown on the edges, but the plant remains healthy, this is normal right? Well done on such amazing specimen. :)
  62. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody. Well said, it is what you like that matters. I like the rocks, and the wood is charming on top, but it will look even better with some plants. Another one to follow for sure. But how long are you going to wait?
  63. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Attack of the triffid (page 17) Wow. I got one of those, but the leaves are weighted down on the water, I do not have much room above water for them, and they reached about 3 feet.. but 4 feet? Damm dude, those are monsters.. :)
  64. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody. Very bold, the wood is striking, it breaks the barriers of what we have seen so far. I like it. :)
  65. ghostsword

    "Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

    That is a deep tank, and the colours look amazing! :) Very deep reds.
  66. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwagumi. Yeah I feel the vibe Mark, I like stones and wood, and that piece has a great look about it. Very imposing but also looks flexible enough to be used on a variety of scapes. The trick for me would be to find mire stones to balance it out, but on that amazing tank of yours...
  67. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Iwagumi. This stone is really amazing, on second look I saw the size of it, it has do be at least 60cm tall. :) What type of stone is it? Would look amazing on a field of hairgrass. :) Great look.
  68. ghostsword

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

    120 x 55 x 55 Iwagumi. You are brave having something that big on that tank, one tip and that is it! What did you do with the fish? Just took them back to the shop? :) and the plants? Just curious. Looking forward to another amazing scape. .
  69. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Video! (page 15) I really like the tank, and think that it is one of the best tanks in the forum, especially as I like emersed plants. :) The whole setup is just magical. :)
  70. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14 :) I know what it is, but I lived in Lisbon, never seen a carvalho there. :) My inlaws know how oak looks like, so when we went to Kew gardens I got a bag full. Got home, boiled them and then placed the leaves on the oven for a bit. Got...
  71. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14 I will see if I can get some oak leaves in London, just need to find out what a oak tree looks like.. :)
  72. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14 I like the leafs on the bottom, where did you get them? It looks very interesting fish..
  73. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - New pics page 10 Tom, the beauty of the tank is just not how pristine it is, if it has perfect plants and so on. For me the beauty is on the detail and the balance that is stricken when we are trying to replicate a piece of nature while keeping it tamed. You have achieved...
  74. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - New pics page 10 This has to be one o the best tanks I have seen. :) A masterpiece. Could you do a video? A long video! .
  75. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Fish pics page 8 I just love this tank, it is such a beauty, and would be perfect on a school or nursery, where the kids could see at their eye level how amazing an aquarium would look like. I really like it.! :thumbup:
  76. ghostsword

    NA Style Baby... (Update 24.12)

    NA Style Baby... (update 18.05) Now that is a very good advice, very good indeed! .
  77. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - New pics 14/04 Same principle, get a plastic mesh, attach closed cell foam to it and put wood on top, then add plants. I now have a floating raft with H Pinnatifida. The guys saw one of my mesh rafts at Vivirium, it was growing Riccia emersed. Very simple and clean...
  78. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - New pics 14/04 Indian fern, Hygro Pinnatifida, most rotalas, Java fern on a floating mesh, the options are endless. Obviously you can go with the boring normal floaters, but the ones I mentioned would be easy to control, they are stems. :) If you want I can send you...
  79. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - New pics 06/03 If you ever get plantlets of the amazon could you sort me out? :) I will check Java Plants for their mother plant section. Many thanks, Luis
  80. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - New pics 06/03 Thanks Tom, Where did you get the Echinodorus from? I would for sure like to have a go at trying this.. :)
  81. ghostsword

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - New pics 06/03 Tom, this is a very inspirational tank, and for it a true find, as I am always interested on shallow tanks with emersed plants. How did you get the Echinodorus to adapt to emersed? Did you had to mist it, or just placed it on the tank and hoped for...
  82. ghostsword

    GA in-store display 120P Iwagumi - Fly above the giant cliff

    Re: GA in-store display 120P Iwagumi The rock placement is superb. I specially like the slope on the right side, and the shades it gives, a perfect way to display 3D'ness on a flat photograph. Great sense of depth from the front. The fish? I can barely see them, I would put some long fin...
  83. ghostsword

    GA in-store display 120P Iwagumi - Fly above the giant cliff

    Re: GA in-store display 120P Iwagumi Lovely tank setup and the photos on Flickr indeed makes one book a flight so see the shop in person. What is the nearest airport? :) Good tip on the HC under 25C, always learning.
  84. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree Yep, the scape is amazing. There is a lot of detail that is not visible either on pics or on the video. Really a good work.
  85. ghostsword

    "Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

    This has to be one of the best tanks and journals I have ever seen. Great job, just fantastic.
  86. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree It looks really good. Everytime I see it it reminds me of mountain hills, very peaceful but wild at the same time. Captivating is the word to use. :)
  87. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree The tank looks amazing. The rock lines are just perfect. Would you trim the hairgrass, or leave it like that?
  88. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree Looks like a solenoide plug, a JBL one. :)
  89. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree It looks amazing. On the first pic, the lines on the two rocks are almost in synch with eachother, as if it was always there, and some time ago, long long ago, they broke from each other. That is really good detailing. Also, the shade of the bigger rock, makes it...
  90. ghostsword

    90x45x45 "Llyn Peninsula"

    Re: 90x45x45 "LlÅ·n Peninsula" :) yep, just bought another 2 meters of it.
  91. ghostsword

    90x45x45 "Llyn Peninsula"

    Re: 90x45x45 "LlÅ·n Peninsula" Thanks Paulo, I would like to change my substrate, but I am sure that there will be lots of shrimp there. :) Will try that technique.
  92. ghostsword

    90x45x45 "Llyn Peninsula"

    Re: 90x45x45 "LlÅ·n Peninsula" What is the best way to get all the shrimp out?
  93. ghostsword

    "Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

    Why not use normal ferns.:) Try Adiantum capillus-veneris.
  94. ghostsword

    "Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

    The tank would look great with some sort of emmersed plants on the sides, that would probably hide some pipework, with Micranthemum or other stems dangling from wall planters hooked on the rim.
  95. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree You are right George, with the amount of help and information UKAPS has, it is hard not to grow plants. About scapes.. I am copying yours.. :) I have lots of ideas, but it is hard to put them on a live tank, as I do not know enough about plant growth and how to...
  96. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree Thanks George. It has taken you years to learn the techniques, I still do not understand them. :) I can grow plants, but aquascaping does not seem very easy, I will follow this thread as it starts from the beginning, with the rocks. Tension I can now see how it...
  97. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree :) Yep, art it is.. :) The rock facing the other way jumped straight at me, maybe that is what tension is. If so, it fulfilled its purpose. :D
  98. ghostsword

    [IWAGUMI] Project Scree - New plants and lights

    Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree Tenellus would look great, leaping over the rocks.. One question, why isn't the small rock on the left side pointing on the same direction as the others?