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  1. Peter6bee

    Visiting The Green Machine.

    Thanks for the interesting and informative day Mark and Jimmy. Oh and cheers for the food and booze. Much appreciated :D
  2. Peter6bee

    Visiting The Green Machine.

    I know they are well aware people use FE's and I'm sure that does happen at the UKaps meets and I may be wrong here but I wouldn't have thought all meets happen at Aquatic suppliers?? I'm just saying that after all the effort Mark and Jim are putting into the day to be selling alternate...
  3. Peter6bee

    Visiting The Green Machine.

    Thats not very sporting when your visiting a shop which sells CO2. It would be like me standing outside selling my plant offcuts to people.
  4. Peter6bee

    Visiting The Green Machine.

    For those of you who are far away there is a train station in Wrexham which isn't too far away.
  5. Peter6bee

    Visiting The Green Machine.

    I think it would be rude of me not to be there since I live a grand total of 1 mile away.