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  1. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Hi.. any recent pictures of this tank? Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  2. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Really odd that the cloudiness cannot be sorted out. :( are the plants growing, do they have enough light? Indeed a shame, after the hard work put in..
  3. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Ok,, would you be so kind to pop in and give us some updates? :)
  4. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Very interested in an update.. someone has to live nearby.. also, no pets at home staff in the forum?
  5. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    I think that anything they use that would work would be a good advert for the product. Personally I would use a mix of floculant and purigen. Also, if the tropica substrate was not placed deep enough the water movement could cause cloudiness.
  6. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    If the tank is not a pleasure to look at, then the message that is sent to customers is that this is just too hard. How are they expected to trust pets at home staff, when their own display tank is not spick and span? :( Isn't there anything on site that clears the water?
  7. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    If the water is still not clear after over a month then something is not right, either with the filtration, maybe bacteria, or it is an algae bloom.. Maybe the filtration is not enough? It should have cleared by now.. What about the other large tanks? Did they clear up?
  8. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Is that big thing the difuser? That is a big ass difuser.. the pipe looks so big.. Maybe add some floculant, and then filter floss.. the plants look healthy.. the moss needs maybe a shake..
  9. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    It looks really cloudy.. :( Maybe add some purigen to the filter? Or drop some floculant there? Why would it be so cloudy?
  10. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Never heard of Casco.. :) will check the web for them.. always willing to see new stuff.. :) The tropica substrate is cool, but I am not sure it has nutrients on it.. Will be good to see more pictures of the tank..
  11. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Interesting.. what co2 panels are those? Who made them? What nutrient rich substrate is that? All Tropica?
  12. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    And videos.. can someone do a nice video of it?
  13. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    What is the dosing schedule of this tank? Lighting period? Does it have CO2? :)
  14. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

  15. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    3 meters by 3 meters.. what a dream to have such a tank.. Looking forward to videos and photos.. :) well done guys..
  16. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Any updated pictures of the tank, or a video? Been almost a week, right? When are the fish going in? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  17. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Great scape.. looking forward to seeing the tank develop.
  18. ghostsword

    a step in the right direction...

    The one in Beckton also have the same. but then in the water they got non aquatics mixed up with Tropica plants.. :(
  19. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    UKAPS had an amazing video running at the last London Aquatics.. I am used to seeing tanks, aquascaping, etc, and I spent a while in front of the TV ... many people were there as well.. A similar video could really help out the newbies that visit the shops.
  20. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    I think that they should cater for all markets, but also makes sense to start small and see how the market develops.. It would be a great investment for PAH, lots of shops.. Maybe they can have a TV with a rolling introduction, showing aquascapes, and how to set them up. Maybe some ready kits...
  21. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    This is great news indeed.. really really good.. The day PAH has some CO2 in the shops, and the premium fertilizer, coupled with the nice tanks they will see, things will surely change for the Home Aquarium Market.. it is very good indeed.
  22. ghostsword

    Pets @ Home huge planted tank projects and event.

    Sadly I am out of the country during this period.. but I am sure that this will something to behold. Please take lots of videos and photos, this will be an amazing experience for all involved.