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  1. Arte Et Labore 1875

    help with dosage amounts

    hi, i just ran out of tpn+ so i finally made up this solution, i used normal tap water and i expected the liquid to be cloudy after adding the powder but its crystal clear - is this normal? thanks.
  2. Arte Et Labore 1875

    help with dosage amounts

    cheers ceg, i've used old fish water on my plants for years, liquid gold! ok good to know for the future, as i've already bought it though i may as well include a little. I got a full analysis of my water contents the other day and my Mg is almost none existence so i'm hoping adding this...
  3. Arte Et Labore 1875

    help with dosage amounts

    thanks for that ceg. after having another look at the calculator i might up the KH2P04 to 5.5g, would that be ok? also i'm not quite sure of the benefit of adding K2S04 as well as KN03, can someone explain this to me? adding 30ml of this solution would add 1ppm of mgS04 per dose - is this a...
  4. Arte Et Labore 1875

    help with dosage amounts

    hi, I have just bought all the chemicals and a set of micro scales but i'm not great with numbers so would someone mind giving me a little advice on the dosing regime. my tank is 120L, 3/4 riccia 1/4 blyxa japonica, i'd like to add this macro solution whilst alternating with the standard TPN...
  5. Arte Et Labore 1875

    Adding salt to the aquarium water....is it a good thing?

    Great, thanks for all the help james, much appreciated.
  6. Arte Et Labore 1875

    Adding salt to the aquarium water....is it a good thing?

    This is all fantastic info, i should have joined this forum years ago. 'The chemicals don't break down' is the answer i was looking for regarding stability. I do my water changes the old fashioned way, bucket and kettle :) but if i start to do this i will get a small water butt or something to...
  7. Arte Et Labore 1875

    Adding salt to the aquarium water....is it a good thing?

    Thanks James, i had a good read of your water hardness thread the other day, its very informative and the fact that KH test kits measure alkalinity as apposed to actual KH was a vital piece of info - how is that not public knowledge! I can't really warrant buying a RO unit and unfortunately the...
  8. Arte Et Labore 1875

    powdered macros, guidance needed

    Hi CeeJay, can i trouble you for your tank specs, plants and dosing regime?
  9. Arte Et Labore 1875

    Iron, chelated or sulphate?

    I'll give it a go, james' guide includes iron and i'm quite happy dosing trace elements via TPN for that as i have a few litres of the stuff, unfortunately his recipe page for just macro's isn't working. I did find this on the internet for a 2000ml solution although he said its no biggie if you...
  10. Arte Et Labore 1875

    Adding salt to the aquarium water....is it a good thing?

    Thanks Ceg, my water board no longer have the info on their website so they are sending me a copy (that was a week ago). I'll give the salt a miss then i think. My goal is to raise the GH, my water reads out at 0.5 - 1, i know a lot of people say dont worry about your GH but i disagree with that...
  11. Arte Et Labore 1875

    powdered macros, guidance needed

    Thats always good :) its something i will look into more. So what are the negative effects to overdosing (EI) that i should look out for?
  12. Arte Et Labore 1875


    Hey Beast, the beast - ever heard of bryan jensen? haha, never mind....i dont understand what you mean by "what people dilute it as". If you mean its usages in the trade then other than a cold sterilizer i've heard of it been used as a carbon source, Excel uses it as its main ingredient.
  13. Arte Et Labore 1875

    Iron, chelated or sulphate?

    Great reply Ceg, thankyou. So would it be beneficial in any way to create my own macro solution and continue to use standard tpn for my trace elements?
  14. Arte Et Labore 1875

    powdered macros, guidance needed

    Thanks again for your reply steve, so the only added ingredients in tpn+ compared to standard tpn is nitrogen, potassium and phospate? if so then are the only benefits of making my own macro solution a slightly more controled fertilising regime and a slightly heavier wallet? Finally, people...
  15. Arte Et Labore 1875

    Adding salt to the aquarium water....is it a good thing?

    Hi all, i was just about to ask a question about salt and then i saw this thread so i didn't see the point in starting a new one. I was thinkning of starting to add salt to my aquariums on a regular basis, non-iodized of course (rock salt probably as we have bags of it at home), this helps with...
  16. Arte Et Labore 1875

    Iron, chelated or sulphate?

    Hi, is dosing extra iron on top of tpn and tpn+ necessary? If so what is the difference between chelated iron (this has different PH numbers next to it for some reason?) and iron sulphate and which should i get? Finally how much and how often should i dose? 120L 30ppm, pressurised, stable. 2...
  17. Arte Et Labore 1875

    powdered macros, guidance needed

    thanks for the reply steve, i had a good read through those links and it cleared up a couple of things. I'm not sure i want to stop adding tpn+ completely as i have had good results from it in the past and standard TPN is fine for the trace elements so my question is would it be beneficial to...
  18. Arte Et Labore 1875

    powdered macros, guidance needed

    Hi all, this is my first post so i hope I don't babble on too much... i've been into planted tanks for a few years now but i've always kept the ferterlising simple, i think its time i started dosing dry powders. I will base this on my 120L, i currently dose TPN for trace and TPN+ for my...