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  1. OutdoorHero

    Grey/White Encrusting stuff?

    Hi there MrJack, thanks for the response. I guess I'm more inclined to think it might be bacteria- there's a few spots on the glass and also the bits i found in the filter. Fungi are generally saprophytes that feed on decaying organic matter and I assume they wouldn't find much on glass or...
  2. OutdoorHero

    Grey/White Encrusting stuff?

    Bugger. I posted a longish response to you there Matt, but it seems to have got lost in the ether. Thanks very much for the compliment on the aquarium, and i'll keep it a little shorter this time. Regarding the fertilisers, I think I'll make the switch to profito seeing as it's already...
  3. OutdoorHero

    Grey/White Encrusting stuff?

    Thanks there. I'm interested if you or anybody else knows anything more about this bacteria. Particularly what it feeds on, assuming that it's not photosynthetic... the bogwood itself or dissolved organics?
  4. OutdoorHero

    Grey/White Encrusting stuff?

    Lovely. Thanks Hoggie, that sure was quick. I will add though that the wood has been used before, it fact it's spent a total of a few years in various aquaria of mine. It did spend a while out of the water between the old tank being broken down and this one being set up, though it was...
  5. OutdoorHero

    Grey/White Encrusting stuff?

    Right then folks. My first post on any internet forum ever. I've been reading the forum for about a month now, so I feel that i half know a few of you already! First off, a pic of my new set-up at 6weeks: (First time poster, hope that worked...) I'm pretty pleased with it so far. I'm not...