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  1. V

    New shrimp 60l cube, a few questions...

    Just a wee update. The lighting doesn't need dimming, so it turns out - it seems just about right for keeping my low-light plants going without too much algae growth. I've had a rescape with wood, wasn't happy with the lava rock look. The tank contains 15 CRS and CBS at grades A-SS, and 6...
  2. V

    What are your thoughts on selective breeding?

    As I understand it, all crystal red shrimp that now exist in the world can trace their ancestors to three (well, two out of three) original shrimp discovered by a collector in a horde of thousands. Because of this, they are extremely delicate. So inbreeding of shrimp in the way you suggest...
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    New shrimp 60l cube, a few questions...

    I'm running it for 6 hours at the moment. I'm not sure about dimming, but even if it does need it it will have to wait - can't afford the controller at the moment!
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    New shrimp 60l cube, a few questions...

    I got the light and mounting bracket from Aquaessentials in the end, might be able to find a better price but I had some loyalty points to spend. The lava rock was all thrown in when I bought the tank, so it seemed a shame not to use it. It's great for mosses.
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    New shrimp 60l cube, a few questions...

    I decided to upgrade the lighting, and have gone for the new TMC mini 400 LED tile. It's pretty powerful, but gives a beautiful shimmer to the tank. Added a few more plants (anubias and java fern) and I should be receiving some new mosses tomorrow in the post. Plan now is for this to be a CRS...
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    New shrimp 60l cube, a few questions...

    Interesting reading. Right, change of plan, I'm going to have a go at CRS in this tank, and leave it at that. Wish me luck...
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    New shrimp 60l cube, a few questions...

    Hi Radik Thanks for your reply. I've been reading a little about the problems with bacteria in different groups. I do have a spare 20l in which I guess I could quarantine the second group - the idea would be to slowly mix the water between the two tanks over say a 2-week period, right? I do...
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    New shrimp 60l cube, a few questions...

    Sort of answering my own question here, but leaning towards the second combo I suggested. Yellow cherries first up, then blue tigers as the "harder" species. It seems to me that blue tigers are somewhere between cherries and CRS in terms of difficulty, is that fair? That being the case I'd aim...
  9. V

    New shrimp 60l cube, a few questions...

    Hello folks Looking for a bit of advice on my new setup. I've just bought a 60l cube tank on eBay. It's filtered by a Dennerle nano external, and lit by a BiOrb LED light unit. My plan is to turn it into a shrimp tank holding 2-3 colourful species. The substrate is inert dark sand, and the...