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  1. V

    EI (again) (sorry)

    Thank you for that very helpful reply. I think you're right in that by it's nature (the "E" in EI) recommendations will vary a bit. I just thought it odd that FSP and APK were *so* far apart. I think I will aim for a middle ground, my tank doesn't have very high light. I just don't want to...
  2. V

    EI (again) (sorry)

    Hi Thank you, that's the one I was using. I just wondered why the numbers it gives are so much higher than what aquariumplantfood recommends. The calculations are as below - perhaps I will switch to using those numbers... Day 1 50% Water change 7/8 tsp Potassium Nitrate KNO3 5/16 tsp...
  3. V

    EI (again) (sorry)

    Hi I have a 2 month old planted tank (360l). Up until now I have been using the pre-mixed fertiliser from aquariumplantfood.co.uk but once my initial supply ran out last week I decided to switch to EI to save a bit of cash. I bought the starter kit from the same website, but now I am a bit...
  4. V

    New tank with sand substrate - root tabs?

    Thats great thanks. I quite like the snails :) Should I be after any particular osmocote - eg osmocote "plus"? I take it I just bury the little capsules deep in the soil - Di they eventually break down completely and disappear? Thanks again for the advice.
  5. V

    New tank with sand substrate - root tabs?

    Hi. I'm just starting the set-up of a new tank (150 x 40 x 60) which will be planted and have pressurised CO2. I've been debating the substrate choices and am pretty much settled on play sand/silver sand (both for the low cost, but also for the look which I've always liked). I understand that...