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  1. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    @ghostsword - what is deadly for amano shrimp? I have a high tech tank, lots of co2, few fish, planted and ferts. 50% water changes a week with half RO. Dropped 10 amano on the tank, 15 minute acclimatization, all dead or dying within 2 hours. Stopped CO2 and raised spray-bar, see two or...
  2. ghostsword

    Have you kept Vampire crabs?

    @ghostsword - I would like to do a small emersed tank for vampire crabs, has anyone on the forum set one up before? From the web they just need some water, lots of area above the water to burow and stay, and some live food. Any help is appreciated.
  3. ghostsword

    #Sulawesi #shrimp catch

    @ghostsword See an amazing video of how Sulawesi Shrimp are caught! By #Chrislukhaup http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=up ... E8p4&gl=GB
  4. ghostsword

    Caridina cf. cantonensis ( Bee Shrimp ) Habitat

    From Chris Lukhaup on Tour: Caridina cf. cantonensis ( Bee Shrimp ) Habitat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nafwnMMM ... r_embedded More info on www.crustahunter.com
  5. ghostsword

    Cherry Shrimps to good homes

    Hi.. I have quite a lot of Shrimps, they breed like mad, so I feel that it is a time to move some out. If you are in London (I will not post them), please let me know if you want some. No more than 5 or 6 per person. Thanks, Luis