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  1. ghostsword

    Aquavitro from Seachem

    I received a box of Aquavitro stuff (thanks Seachem and Dan) ... Had a look at the ferts, and it looks pretty good on paper, highly concentrated, and with easy instructions. I used EI, loved it, and I am now using Elos due to the concentration and ease of use, but the Aquavitro got me...
  2. ghostsword

    Elos Fertilizers, who is using it?

    @ghostsword - Elos Fertilizers, who is using it? I got the Fase2 and the K40 bottles, been reading great reviews about it online. The dosing says 1ml per 100L of water every second day (If I read correctly), now can I mix them, or has to be one day the Fase2, and the other day the K40? At 1ml...
  3. ghostsword

    How do you sort out EI when you go on holidays?

    Thanks to Ceg4048 I stand corrected regarding the water changes reason, I really believed that we must do it to nutrient build up, but we must do it to keep the water clean of detritus and organic waste. So in theory if one halved the EI dosing on a tank and didn't do any water changes for a...
  4. ghostsword

    Would EI have a negative impact on plant sales?

    From what I have read on this forum and from further research, the EI method has been around for a long time, the earliest records I found on the net date from 1997 (http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/Fertilizer/pmdd-tim.html). I have to agree that it is a little bit confusing to get the head...