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  1. ghostsword

    Piranha Tank at the London Aquarium

  2. ghostsword

    HC mixed with lileaopsis, has anyone done it?

    I am to try HC, but have a few strands of lileaopsis here and there. I would like to try the contrast in colour with the two. Has anyone tried it? ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  3. ghostsword

    Just entered IAPLC 2012

    My entry ======== Alentejo-IAPLC 201202 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Alentejo-IAPLC 201236 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Alentejo-IAPLC 201237 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  4. ghostsword

    Qube Contest at Vivarium 2011

    The Qube contest entrants:
  5. ghostsword

    New rocks to hardscape with

    Have some new rocks to hardscape now. Got them lined up and from photographs, they look very similar to Hakkay stones. I choose round ones, but I am sure that there are other shapes to find. From: Road trip to Hakkai mountain! (Search for Hakkai stones!) - Aquascaping - Aquatic Plant...
  6. ghostsword

    Golden Ratio use

    I have read about the Golden ratio, and tried to replicate it on my first aquascape. I am using the manzanita branches to setup the lines at 3/5 of the lenght, so each section is further divided in 3/5. Also each section has it's own plants, with a triangle going from left to right, with the...
  7. ghostsword

    ADA Seiryu Stone vs Mini Landscape Rock

    I visited TGM this weekend and bought ADA Seiryu Stone, close to 6kg of it, just placed it on my tank and it looks amazing against the green and red plants, with the dark substrate. Just amazing. Now looking on the net I found Mini Landscape Rock from AE, quoted "Grey stone also known by ADA as...