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  1. samboco

    Parts for Korali powerheads anybody??

    OK, so Ive managed to bust the basket cover for my koralia 4000 powerhead by mistake :thumbdown: and hence it will no longer attach. Does anybody know if and where I can get a new basket from?? Don't fancy forking out for a whole new one when only the basket is knackered. Fingers crossed it...
  2. samboco

    New RO system, a question or two.

    Hi everybody, Have just bought a 75gpd RO system and have an idea how i would like to set it up but not sure if it'll work this way or not. At present in a cupboard in the kitchen I have a filter plumbed in which feeds water to the fridge. What i would like to do is tap into this plumbing...
  3. samboco

    Shhhhh please!

    I have my tank set up in the corner of my living room, I have an eheim 2075 with spray bar but the noise of the water returning to the tank is driving the missus demented. I tried having the spray bar below the water level but soon had a near disaster. not enough surface agitation and hence not...