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  1. ghostsword

    Emersed Garden cube

    This is a 35cm optiwhite cube. Hardscape is bogwood and some seriyu stone. Plants are pogestemon (downoi), java fern, hygrophila corymbosa and hydrocotyle sp japan. Also got some emersed riccia and moss on the rocks and wood. Easy to take care and low maintenance. Covered to aid with...
  2. ghostsword

    My emersed plants - Adventures, tries and failures

    I got this Hygrophile sp. growing on wood.. Cannot remember what Hygrophila is. There is also moss, and some Hydrocotyle sp. Japan growing on the wood. At the submerged area there is a Java Fern, my first ever Java Fern, bought it in 2002. It has been hacked, trimmed hard, left emersed, now...
  3. ghostsword

    Emersed bowl, room humidity

    @ghostsword - I have a bowl that has had emersed plants for a while now. The list of plants are: - Alternanthera Lilacina (Currently flowering) - Echinodorus sp. (growing very slowly after loosing two leaves to snails) - Hydrocotyle sp japan - Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides - Hydrocotyle...
  4. ghostsword

    What is on the garden this year - 2011

    The weather is picking up, and from March to September I usually have aquatic plants on the garden, just need to top up with tank water, and let them grow. This is what I got this year. DSC_2014 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr DSC_2011 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr DSC_2000 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr...
  5. ghostsword

    UK Moss and bog plants on a square tray

    I have been struggling with keeping humidity high enough to setup a Wabi with the usual plants, such as rotalas, etc. Tried with UK moss, and some of the non aquatics sold on most LFS's. It is a month old, and the moss is what I found outside, the plants the usual non aquatics on most shops...
  6. ghostsword

    Wabi Kusa farm

    I am starting a emersed setup, and this will be my Wabi Kusa farm. Got the plants from Tony (Planted Tanks) Choose the alive ones: Got the kids busy: Planted the lot:
  7. ghostsword

    Funny plant sprouting from hairgrass clumps

    Hi, I got these four or three clover plant sprouting up from between the emersed hairgrass. Do you know if the hairgrass has that leaf form? I have not seen it before:
  8. ghostsword

    Emmersed Hygrophila Corymbosa

    I managed to get Hygrophila Corymbosa to grow emmersed on the office, on a bed of Tropica aquasoil always wet.
  9. ghostsword

    Hydrocotyle verticillata outside on the garden

    I got a old eco tank, the ones for reptiles, and placed some soil on the bottom, 10cm of water and dropped H Verticillata on it with some grass and Staurogyne. Staurogyne died out. This is on the nice London weather.. :)
  10. ghostsword

    Using moss as substrate for floating island

    I have spare moss and I am thinking about using it as substrate for HC or UG, on a floating island above the java fern, to provide some shade. Has any one tried it before?
  11. ghostsword

    My home swamp

    This is my home swamp, just with 10cm water.
  12. ghostsword

    Hanging planters, use emmersed plants on a aquarium.

    Many of you might have seen Riparium Supply shop 9http://ripariumsupply.com/store.html), where he sells Hanging planters, like this one: The idea is fantastic, as allow you to have emmersed plants on a normal tank if you so wish, just check what can be done on this blog...
  13. ghostsword

    My messy emmersed swamp

    Hi, I got a number of plants that grow well emmersed, such as Crassula Helmsii, Hygrophila Corymbosa and Disfformis, Eleocharis Acicularis, Syngonium, Anubia Nana, Java Fern and Ceratopteris Thalictroides. With the exception of the Hygro's, the plants have been going for almost one month, the...
  14. ghostsword

    Container Water gardens

    Lot's of talk about Paludariums, Ripariums and Terrariums, but it seems that we are just rediscovering what has been done in Far East for thousands of years. Some of the most amazing gardens seen are lotus gardens, which use large containers to house the lotus tubers.. Not everybody has space...
  15. ghostsword

    Have you seen the latest design from Riparium Supply?

    Hi.. Have you seen the latest design from Riparium Supply? I have been using hanging planters for two months or so, but even buying in bulk, they do come more expensive that what Riparium Supply is selling, however shipping to the UK bumps the price up. His latest design, removing suction cups...
  16. ghostsword

    Some plants that can be used on a paludarium

    As the use of Paludariums, Vivariums and now Ripariums is growing, the usual plants that we source do not apply anymore. We now need to look for plants that although they like wet ground, they can actually live with the leaves outside the water. I have used hanging planters purchased in the...