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eheim 2080

  1. Zak Rafik

    Lubricating Eheim O rings and gaskets with ?

    Hi guys, I'm in the midst of setting up a new tank. Yahoooooo! :happy: I have an Eheim 2080 (1200XL) and it has been sitting in my store room empty for the past 1 year plus and now I would like to use it for my new setup. Planning to lubricate the locking lever mechanisms, gaskets and O...
  2. Alastair

    A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

    Following on from my soon to be dismantled chocolate puddle A Chocolate Puddle - picture update | UK Aquatic Plant Society I thought id get my follow on journal started in the lead up to my tank arriving. This like my other journal won't have any specific planning as to scape etc but will try...