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iwagumi hard scape rock nature aquarium

  1. CooKieS

    Iwagumi 45x30x30 'rock'n roll'

    Hi everyone, Forget my bad english, I'm french. :D Here's my second aquascape (first one was an messy fluval edge) and my first iwagumi; My inspiration was George Farmer's incredible iwagumi 'one pot challenge', mixed with some mountain scape. Specs: -Equipement: -optiwhite tank 45x30x30...
  2. Hamza

    Red Rock Iwagumi - 17 Dec update

    Hello Folks, Been a long time and finally I am starting my new scape. Its a 70x40x40cm tank Had these beautiful set of rocks lying around for long with right proportion for this tank, so I decided to try an iwagumi layout with these. After doodling a bit, this is a decent hardscape I could...