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In one of my first aquaria I used to own an Aponogeton madagascariensis. Which was the best algae magnet I've ever had! Now a little more experienced I think I can keep it alive. So I bought 3 different Aponogetons:

A. boivinianus:

A. crispus? (bought longiplumilosus, any thoughts?):

A. madagascariensis var. henkelianus:

And for those of you who are more into fish than plants (can't imagine on this forum, but what the heck!) My school of Alestopetersius caudalis is showing off every morning and evening when the lights dim. It's allmost impossible to get a sharp picture of these fast fellows and they always look more grey than they look in real life (where they have a beautiful blue shine), but the colors are still awesome IMO!
Looks good!
Thanks all! It is a lot of work, but at the same time an easy tank. As long as everything goes well, all I need to do are (massive) water changes, cleaning the sand and trimming the plants from time to time. When algae start to grow, this tank is a lot of work. Right now I clean the windows once every 3-4 weeks and even than they are almost clean. IMO, this is mostly thanks to the large sump, and all future tanks I'll own will have one!
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This is a beauty Yo-han!
I find it interesting how at certain times our tanks are a more of a chore and sometimes we just can't stop ourselves fiddling and tweaking, just human nature, regardless to our position on the planet!
I also think sumps are the way ahead...
Absolutely stunning, amazing colour rendition with the custom LEDS! I love the stray red ludwigia stems to the left, such a gem!