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Wow the various combinations of colors are captivating!
How you control the algee and the front glass so clean ? The lights doesn't make the front glass being green a little?

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
I make sure plants are thriving and oxygen is always high. This in combination with sump loaded with filter medium gives me clean water and algae very little change.
On the glass is very little light, so this needs to be cleaned very little. When algae start growing, it's usually on the rocks and the sand gets a little green. That are the moments I give the tank a little extra care (checking fertilizers, a larger water change, cleaning the filter socks extra, extra sand vacuüm etc.).
I make sure plants are thriving and oxygen is always high. This in combination with sump loaded with filter medium gives me clean water and algae very little change.
On the glass is very little light, so this needs to be cleaned very little. When algae start growing, it's usually on the rocks and the sand gets a little green. That are the moments I give the tank a little extra care (checking fertilizers, a larger water change, cleaning the filter socks extra, extra sand vacuüm etc.).
I have 400 litter aquarium with external filter.
What kind of media can help reducing algee and I see you using UV ....is it always connected or just for short terms. I heard the UV is killing the good bacteria

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
UV kills only free floating bacteria. Most good bacteria are attached to filter media and the substrate. So the benefits would definitely outweigh the bad IMO. I don't use one though...

About the media, I use some purigen, but nothing special to reduce algae. Just as much bio rio as I could fit in there to break down organics.
How you control algee ?
After trimming the plants you have no more then 30% and still no algee appears .....howcome ? And the sand is also clean from greenish and algee ....please please explain ...

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
I don't know what you mean by 30%. But all I do is make sure my plants grow fine. Not too much light, stable nutrient levels in the water. A rich substrate, stable CO2 and enough flow. Combine this with a large filter so you've loads of bacteria to break down fish food/feces and almost no algae grows. From time to time algae does grow a little and I check all nutrients, do an extra water change. When the sand gets too green/brown I do suck off a thin layer and replace it with new sand.
This aquarium is impressive. I thought I saw the exact dimensions of the tank but I can't find it. Can you repost it?

Also what thickness is the glass?

I'm planning a tank for a new house too and your tank is just another reminder: bigger is better. 🙂
UV kills only free floating bacteria. Most good bacteria are attached to filter media and the substrate. So the benefits would definitely outweigh the bad IMO. I don't use one though...

About the media, I use some purigen, but nothing special to reduce algae. Just as much bio rio as I could fit in there to break down organics.
I didn't get (my english is not so good)....your UV is always connected?

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
This aquarium is impressive. I thought I saw the exact dimensions of the tank but I can't find it. Can you repost it?

Also what thickness is the glass?

I'm planning a tank for a new house too and your tank is just another reminder: bigger is better. 🙂
Thank you! The tank is 195x80x80 (65cm water) 12 mm glass.
A short update: I finally finished the exterior of my aquarium. The inside runs very well fortunately, because I do skip some water changes and and only clean the glass once a month at the moment. After my holiday, I'll rescape the tank to make a IAPLC tank that should be able to rank high. Looking forward to that, but for now a (very bad phone)photo of my tank in my living room:

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