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350 Gal manzy dsplay

hijac said:
how long did it take to grow the Anubias out that much? I've never seen it as bulked up as that before. looks amazing.

1.5 years or so.

the key is using low light and and decent fish loads and patience, something RARELY seen from the ADA fan boys........they spend time on the hard scape(I suppose I do as well), but less time on allowing slower growth species to fill in. Amano does though...........I know he appreciates the slower growing cooler species and that thicker nice old overgrowth feel.
You are the slow growing master Tom! 🙂
Nice scape, really love the anubias growth and the wood in the first aquarium .. man .. looks fabulous.

Hi Tom, amazing tanks.

Do you have any advice or pictures of the sump or wet/dry setup you use for filtration on your tanks?
Also what sort of overflow setup do you prefer using? I noticed on your 180 you have two pipes drilled through the base of the tank?
How does that style compare with Beananimal's overflow setup?

Thanks and great work, a real inspiration!
leonroy said:
Hi Tom, amazing tanks.

Do you have any advice or pictures of the sump or wet/dry setup you use for filtration on your tanks?
Also what sort of overflow setup do you prefer using? I noticed on your 180 you have two pipes drilled through the base of the tank?
How does that style compare with Beananimal's overflow setup?

Thanks and great work, a real inspiration!

I like beananimal's design, but it's large and DIY.

I use a CPR overflow and a simple wet/dry filter filled with sponge filter. The CO2 is fed through the needle wheel into the return.

I do not have any use for the drilled holes in the tank any longer.
The set up is similar to this but a bit larger is all.
It's pretty quiet too.