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A fool and his money...

I have very soft water which could start issues! But yes I am going down the co2 route! I have diy now with my 125litre and it does its job! I manage to keep rotala rotifundia, Heteranthera zosterfolia, limnophila aromatica, a number of different crypts as well as about 4 or 5 more species thriving! But I have just bought a co2 fire extinguisher and have everything ready to make it into pressurised co2 kit except of the regulator! So once I get that I'll be away! And as usual with this hobby more issues will arise!

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
I have very soft water which could start issues! But yes I am going down the co2 route! I have diy now with my 125litre and it does its job! I manage to keep rotala rotifundia, Heteranthera zosterfolia, limnophila aromatica, a number of different crypts as well as about 4 or 5 more species thriving! But I have just bought a co2 fire extinguisher and have everything ready to make it into pressurised co2 kit except of the regulator! So once I get that I'll be away! And as usual with this hobby more issues will arise!

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
Maybe for Pogostemon variety but you may have some luck, there are people after all who do keep them in soft water. Pressurised is so much easier and consistent, and your right, there's always more problems 😉

Last update till I have all my plants. They have been guaranteed to be with me by Friday at the latest 🙂

Looks good! Looking forward to seeing it! Thinking about setting up a ada 60p for the dining room! As usual I will have to get permission from the boss! I just struggle with forking out ada prices! (True Yorkshire man at heart, short arms long pockets!) I just really like how clean they look! Although I'm not sure it will suit my house as its a grade 2 listed cottage! So its very old-y world-y!

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
Looks good! Looking forward to seeing it! Thinking about setting up a ada 60p for the dining room! As usual I will have to get permission from the boss! I just struggle with forking out ada prices! (True Yorkshire man at heart, short arms long pockets!) I just really like how clean they look! Although I'm not sure it will suit my house as its a grade 2 listed cottage! So its very old-y world-y!

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
Cheers buddy.

Why don't you go for the TMC signature range that i'm using in this, cheaper, bigger, same quality glass and silicone. I got the tank for £110 and cabinet for £125 brand new!!!
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Its hard to find a tank that would fit in well, plus the misses is a bloody nightmare for things looking right! Haha I've just had a look at the TMC range! Looks very promising! I have a friend who makes furniture from reclaimed wood! May be home to call in some favours!!!

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
Its hard to find a tank that would fit in well, plus the misses is a bloody nightmare for things looking right! Haha I've just had a look at the TMC range! Looks very promising! I have a friend who makes furniture from reclaimed wood! May be home to call in some favours!!!

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
Could have sworn i've seen a guy on here building DIY cabinets from oak and they looked amazing, i'll see if I can find it!
I don’t have one! I have kept fish for nearly 10 years but I’m reasonably new to "proper" planted tanks! [ one year]

so didn’t feel worthy of putting a journal up on here just yet!

but when I start setting my new tank up I think I might brave it!

just need to get a few more bits and start thinking of what to go for!

lack of imagination is my main downfall!!!
I don’t have one! I have kept fish for nearly 10 years but I’m reasonably new to "proper" planted tanks! [ one year]

so didn’t feel worthy of putting a journal up on here just yet!

but when I start setting my new tank up I think I might brave it!

just need to get a few more bits and start thinking of what to go for!

lack of imagination is my main downfall!!!
I've not even been doing this for a month and have made a journal. Pull your finger out 😉
haha well that’s impressive! you have a better looking tank than I’ve ever had!
the planted tank I have is using a HORRIFIC old fluval roma with upgraded everything, so the glass is in very poor condition!
it’s quite embarrassing!
but I was using it to experiment and play around "find my style" so-to-speak! haha
but I agree, I do need to pull my finger out and again stop being so tight and just buy myself ANOTHER setup!

I have a feeling, joining this forum is going to lead me into the doghouse with the "boss"
I'm using tap talk and it won't let me link to it!!

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