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Anyone use Spotless Water?

DEL 707

18 Jul 2009
Been looking around for another place to buy RO water from, the only LFS who sells in my area charges £4.50 for 50l.

I noticed I have a Spotless Water station very close to me, and from reading the website, it sounds too good to be true.

Much cheaper then what I'm paying and it says it's for aquarium use.

Has anyone else used their water?
I do not, but there is one half an hour from me.

Looks good, when they first set up they took on a ‘trade only’ policy. Looks like that has changed now?

Will be interesting on the TDS of the water. Anything under 10 is good imo!
Ehhh why??
Why do yo have such a company in the UK? Is it because a lot of you have liquid rtock from the faucet and tea tastes better when made of soft water?

I think it originates from trade uses like window cleaners so the liquid rock doesn't leave the windows streaky 🙂 Fish shops sell RO for reef keepers mainly and I would guess some used this for supply and they decided selling direct to consumers might be a good market.
Water in some parts of the UK is quite hard. I was forever cleaning limescale off the tank and equipment when I lived in London. I’m now using rainwater and it’s much better (thanks Darrel!)
Ehhh why??
The UK has a very complex geology. Every horizon can be found in the UK.

Typically if the water supply is from a bore hole - very hard water or from mountain run of into massive reservoirs and is very soft. However water companies typically harden soft water to reduce corrosion in the supply system.

Many window cleaners use their own on board water supply ( tank in van) and low pressure water delivery system along extendable arms and no longer use a bucket and ladder, hence the growing demand for very soft water.

My tap water is about 160ppm and is from a local surface/shallow aquifer that is mainly sandstone in geology.

Makes nice tea - usually Assam, though I rather like your The Or (sorry I don't have an accent for the 'e' in 'The' )
As someone earlier suggested, the problem is actually fetching and carrying the quantities of 'Spotless Water' every week for soft water species.
I have moderately hard water here, so I decided to accept my idleness, and work with what I've got .
I do like to soften mine a little for my Neo shrimp tanks, and I find that a mix of 25% Tesco Ashbeck water, and 75% tap water meets my needs just right.
I change about 40 + litres or tank water per week, and so I use around 10 + bottles of Ashbeck water per week, ( about £3.50 +), which isn't bad for a hobby really.
The Ashbeck has a PH of around 6.2 and low tds , so does the job nicely.
I buy the other cheaper Tesco water for my wife to drink !!
I noticed I have a Spotless Water station very close to me, and from reading the website, it sounds too good to be true.

'The water has a guaranteed TDS level of 0' and at £0.035 per litre - think its a No Brainer to me 😉 my LFS sells it at £0.06p per litre
Went to check it out today.
Picked up 26l for £1.09, which is quite a saving compared to what I was paying.

Tap water TDS is 281, double checked the RO and it came out at 0.
As someone earlier suggested, the problem is actually fetching and carrying the quantities of 'Spotless Water' every week for soft water species.
I have moderately hard water here, so I decided to accept my idleness, and work with what I've got .
I do like to soften mine a little for my Neo shrimp tanks, and I find that a mix of 25% Tesco Ashbeck water, and 75% tap water meets my needs just right.
I change about 40 + litres or tank water per week, and so I use around 10 + bottles of Ashbeck water per week, ( about £3.50 +), which isn't bad for a hobby really.
The Ashbeck has a PH of around 6.2 and low tds , so does the job nicely.
I buy the other cheaper Tesco water for my wife to drink !!
I appreciate why you do it but 10 plastic bottles a week plus the wife's... time to invest in a more sustainable way to soften your water?

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There was a thread about this a while ago.


I have been tempted a few times as the amount of plastic I get through buying 2.5l bottles of deionised water is not good.

For anyone who needs small amounts, currently buys RO from LFS or doesn't want to maintain an RO unit I think it is a consideration.

IIRC there is also a referral system where you can sign up and get free water and get more free when others sign up.