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Best mineral supplements for inverts?


4 May 2024
Morning! This is my first post, I'm fairly new to aquariums and am rapidly on my way to becoming obsessed with planted tanks :). I'm interested in getting the whole biome balanced and have four tanks with a mix of Cherry Shrimp, Amano, Nerites, Assassins and various hardy nano fish.

I am on very soft tap water, on the edge of Exmoor, with KH/GH of 2/2.5. pH is 6.5. I have put some crushed coral in my filter, which is helping a bit, but I'm still worried about my inverts not getting enough calcium/minerals. So far moulting seems to be happening okay, but I think some of the snails are getting thin shells. Would cuttlefish help if I put some in for them? Or is there a particular supplement that I could feed both shrimp and snails? I'm feeding them occasional spinach and nettles.

Thank you in advance. I am ploughing through back threads, there's so much info to assimilate, I'm so pleased I found the forum!
Im sure someone with chemistry knowledge will give you a better answer but…
My Bloody Mary cherry shrimp go crazy for the “glass garten mineral junky” supplement.

If we are having visitors I like to pop a whole one in at the front of the tank as the shrimp swarm it. They must really love the taste.


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Hi all,
I have put some crushed coral in my filter, which is helping a bit, but I'm still worried about my inverts not getting enough calcium/minerals. So far moulting seems to be happening okay, but I think some of the snails are getting thin shells. Would cuttlefish help if I put some in for them?
<"Cuttle "bone"> would work, and you can substitute the "crushed coral" with <"Oyster or Cockle shell chick grit">. Generally it is a lot easier to add compounds to water rather than to try and take them away.

In terms of snail shell attrition, what do the older shell whorls look like? - <"Cherry shrimp in soft water"> & <"Nerite Snails in high tech">.
I'm feeding them occasional spinach and nettles.
That should help.

cheers Darrel
I am on very soft tap water, on the edge of Exmoor, with KH/GH of 2/2.5. pH is 6.5. I have put some crushed coral in my filter,

Crushed corals and cuttle bones etc. works if your ph stays below 7, so it can be a bit hard to manage and it will raise both your KH and GH - typically we want to keep our KH low. I would recommend to use a product such as Salty shrimp mineral GH+ (this will only raise the GH ~ Calcium and Magnesium contents). You really only need to increase the GH a couple of degrees to get into the comfort zone for your shrimps and snails. If you're running a large tank it's more economical to use CaSO4 (foodgrade gypsum salt) and MgSO4 (foodgrade epsom salt).

I'm feeding them occasional spinach and nettles.
Thats nice. Algae wafters and mineral sticks are good to supplement with as well.... All inverts love it.

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Have given a mineral junky bite just now, this is the chaos that happens.
There is often none left by the time the snail finds it.
Crushed corals and cuttle bones etc. works if your ph stays below 7, so it can be a bit hard to manage and it will raise both your KH and GH - typically we want to keep our KH low. I would recommend to use a product such as Salty shrimp mineral GH+ (this will only raise the GH ~ Calcium and Magnesium contents). You really only need to increase the GH a couple of degrees to get into the comfort zone for your shrimps and snails. If you're running a large tank it's more economical to use CaSO4 (foodgrade gypsum salt) and MgSO4 (foodgrade epsom salt).

Thats nice. Algae wafters and mineral sticks are good to supplement with as well.... All inverts love it.

Thanks, Michael, that's helpful!