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Best way to anchor bulbs to the substrate?

5 Feb 2012
Colchester Essex
I've just bought some bulbs for my tank.
Aponogeton Boivinianus and

Aponogeton Ulvaceus

I've not planted these before and would like some advice on the best way to anchor them down.
Hi Matt
They shouldn't really need it. There should be a little bit where the "hairs" on the bulb stick up. This is the bit the leaves grow out of. This bit should be at or just below the surface. The rest of the bulb can be burried in the substrate.. The bulbs aren't very bouyant and putting the bulbs into the substrate should be sufficient. My problem is with Crinum, where the bulb is supposed to sit on top of the substrate and is quite bouyant. I think I've just about got them to stay put now !