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Bleddy Nitrate test kits!


3 Sep 2010
Barnstaple, Devon
Hi guys Ive been using a API master set which expires in 2024 Im not convinced my nitrate kit is working. Yeah I know they need alot of shaking Ive even been using my paint vortext mixer / shaker so they are more than shaken well. Everytime I test my tank it says its 5.0 ppm which it has done since i flooded the tank (this is the 4th week). I also tested my tap water (i use ro) that also tested at 5. So today I thought id try a tottaly different test kit a tetra one
That sounds more likely to be somewhere near accurate.
Why are you testing? Is there a problem you are investigating?
Well, it looks like your API nitrate kit is dodgy, maybe you can't trust the API nitrite kit either.
Hi all,
maybe you can't trust the API nitrite kit either.
Nitrite (NO2-) measurement should be more accurate, purely because you don't have as many steps (in nitrate testing you have to <"reduce NO3- to NO2-"> with vanadium (V) or cadmium (Cd)) in nitrite testing you just need to convert any NO2- to a coloured insoluble compound.
The tetra one said the tap water was 12.5 and the tank was 100
Try diluting the tank water sample 50:50 with RO water and see what you get then.
Fishless cycling which is taking ages haven’t had any reading for nitrite yet
Are you adding ammonia? <"you don't need to">. You could also potentially have <"COMAMMOX Nitrospira"> present, which can oxidise ammonia to nitrate.

cheers Darrel
Well I tested some rain water today and that also came out as zero nitrite and 5 nitrate so I’d say they are duff. I have contacted api see what they say
Hi all,

Nitrite (NO2-) measurement should be more accurate, purely because you don't have as many steps (in nitrate testing you have to /www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/few-problems-with-my-little-slice-of-nature.61970/page-2#post-611314']reduce NO3- to NO2-[/URL]"> with vanadium (V) or cadmium (Cd)) in nitrite testing you just need to convert any NO2- to a coloured insoluble compound.

Try diluting the tank water sample 50:50 with RO water and see what you get then.

Are you adding ammonia? /www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/dr-timothy-hovanecs-comments-about-bacterial-supplements.62201/#post-613824']you don't need to[/URL]">. You could also potentially have /www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/cycle-help-nitrite.62626/#post-617820']COMAMMOX Nitrospira[/URL]"> present, which can oxidise ammonia to nitrate.

cheers Darrel

Yes I have been adding ammonia which has been going in 48 hours
Hi all,
Yes I have been adding ammonia which has been going in 48 hours
I'd just stop. Ammonia addition doesn't serve any useful purpose in planted tanks, the whole "cycling premise" is based on theories that has been entirely superseded by <"more recent scientific research">.

If you want to add a large fish load to an unplanted tank you are obliged to cycle the filter, but I want to persuade people that keeping a large fish load in an unplanted tank is <"a recipe for disaster"> in the long term anyway.

Have a look at <"Bacteria in a bottle">, and the follow up thread <"Dr Timothy Hovanec's comments.........">.

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel,
Just read through that I will stop adding ammonia. But how do I know when I can start adding a clean up crew and fish?
Hi all,
But how do I know when I can start adding a clean up crew and fish?
<"Just wait"> until the plants have grown in. I like <"six weeks as a grow in period">, but I'm a cautious person.

A floating plant gives you most "bang for your buck", because they have access to atmospheric CO2 and oxygen. Some people remove them when the tank is established, but I keep them all the time.

The more <"dissolved oxygen you have the better">, obviously plants help with this, and also surface ripple and water turn-over to maximise the gas exchange surface area..

cheers Darrel
I’m happy to leave it for another couple weeks just wandered if it would be safe to add some amanos and a couple snails to battle the diatoms?
Hi all,
I’m happy to leave it for another couple weeks just wandered if it would be safe to add some amanos and a couple snails to battle the diatoms?
Yes, if the plants are growing you are fine. Because you had the dsm that will have allowed some root growth etc.

What is plant growth like? That is really the only question that ever matters.

cheers Darrel
Last edited:
Pretty good had to trim one lot of stem plants back about 6 inches yesterday. Notice some of my hc melting abit dunno unless that’s because it’s emersed now? Here’s a quick pic abit dark because the lights have nearly ramped down


Still going through the ugly diatom stage. I did put the lights down to 80% because I think full pelt might of been to much