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Bloomin' snails.

Steve Smith

19 Jul 2007
Wellesbourne, UK.
Stupid me decided to buy some apple snails recently and throw them in my 90cm "learner" tank. I'd read they can eat some plants, but having had a solitary apple snail before and not noticing any issues I figured it wouldn't be an issue.

Anyhow, 8 small chestnut apple snails later, and half of my staurogyne is gone and most of my ludwigia arcuata is just stalks. Well, I did say it was a learning tank :lol:

The snails are now up for sale on TFF for a few quid to get shot of them. Anyone want 6 or 7 apple snails? 😉
😱 you have odd snails 😛
put some blanched lettuce in for them, that usually weans them off of plants 🙂
I had the same problem! I bought my "Apple snails" from Maidenhead Aquatics not realising that there is more than one species of apple snails, one of which is quite partial to plants! After trawling the internet I discovered that it is the species "bridgesii" that do not eat plants and the other species are almost impossible to distinguish (there is a difference in the shape of the whorls of the shell). I did make a profit on them though as they multiplied so much that I sold an original £6 purchase for £10 and still have more to go! Another difference now that I think of it is the colour of the eggs. The ones that don't eat plants lay greyish eggs and the other ones are very pink.
Lesson: research before you buy and make sure the lfs knows what they are selling you 🙄 !!
misscaretaker said:
Another difference now that I think of it is the colour of the eggs. The ones that don't eat plants lay greyish eggs and the other ones are very pink.
Other way round! If anyone wants any, mine have just bred I have blue and ivory and an intact tank of plants :lol: (I'll be putting an ad in the for sale section after Christmas when the post has calmed down and they're a bit bigger)
Egmel said:
misscaretaker said:
Another difference now that I think of it is the colour of the eggs. The ones that don't eat plants lay greyish eggs and the other ones are very pink.
Other way round! If anyone wants any, mine have just bred I have blue and ivory and an intact tank of plants :lol:
Funny 'cos the ones that ate all my plants had bright pink eggs and the ivory, purple and blue ones I bought from the snail shop have much greyer eggs - maybe it's different diets? :?
Ahh, you must have had canaliculata (eats plants, red eggs) instead of bridgesii (doesn't eat plants pale pink eggs).
Themuleous said:
Did anyone ever think when they were growing up that one day they'd be discussing the 'ins and outs' of snails eating plants and the colour of said snails eggs? :lol: :lol: :lol:
What do you mean 'when they were growing up' I'm not done growing up yet 😉 :lol: