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Dramas / TV Series Worth Watching?

Faves of mine so far have been:-

Wire, Sopranos, The Killing (subtitled originals, not the US remake), The Returned, Spiral and currently Boardwalk Empire.

I've heard The Tunnel is quite good on Sky1, plus a couple of people have mentioned Breaking Bad 😉

Couple of great older ones I like were Bird Of Prey with Richard Griffiths and State Of Play.
Faves of mine so far have been:-

Wire, Sopranos, The Killing (subtitled originals, not the US remake), The Returned, Spiral and currently Boardwalk Empire.

I've heard The Tunnel is quite good on Sky1, plus a couple of people have mentioned Breaking Bad 😉

Couple of great older ones I like were Bird Of Prey with Richard Griffiths and State Of Play.

Can't say I've heard of most of those, May have to do some trailer searches on YouTube 😀

Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Homeland, Luther, Broadchurch.

Breaking bad I'm mid way through the last season - very good!

Heard a lot about Homeland, may give that a go.

Dexter is pretty dramatic!

What is Dexter about roughly? Heard of it but I don't know What it's about.

Im pretty addicted to Person of Interest at the moment. Id recommend that.