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Exam results


2 Apr 2008
Well its the terrible time of year for exam results, whether its A level today or GCSE next week.

I recieved my AS levels today, pretty average. And I just want to wish anyone collecting results in the next few days all the best of luck, as I know the dreaded feeling

Good luck :thumbup:

I am in year 9 going into 10 and i got my science GSCE if i do well my dad says his gonna buy me a RO filter :lol: I am still nervous 🙁
i got into KENT uni. im so happy. was my first choice and i really wasnt expecting to get the grades with the minimal work i do.

but i snuch in 8)
Krish's Bettas said:
I am in year 9 going into 10 and i got my science GSCE if i do well my dad says his gonna buy me a RO filter :lol: I am still nervous 🙁
GCSE's are easy as pie.No reason to be nervous at all...
I haven't got mine back yet though, tomorrow I'm supposed to collect them.I was supposed to do 12 (2 being IT) but didn't bother with my other IT GCSE.I have half an IT GCSE's work in my folder here which I never handed in; it could come in handy to one of you?
Congrats to those who have done well = :clap:
im collecting my GCSE results tomorow, not nervous at all. i always tell people who are nervous before exams or exam results, -now isnt the time to be nervous, its to late to be nervous, you should be nervous in the classroom months before your exam when you can actualy do something about the outcome, cause when your at the exam hall door its to late :geek:
good luck to all anyway, hope you get what you are aiming for :thumbup: :thumbup:
Tbh with GCSE's in most you could get a C without knowing anything...And you only need 5 main gcse's A-C to be obligated a place in college, and if you fail that, then it's only an extra year.
Although, I think I will have to put some effort in with A-levels!
English - B
English lit - A
Geoography - B
History C opt F - A
Stats - A
Maths - A
RE - A
Biology - A
Chemistry - A
Physics - A
Somehow they haven't put my IT down, so I guess that means I failed both in the end...Even though the they already moderated it as a pass, after my tutor marked it as a merit.
cheesy feet said:
English - B
English lit - A
Geoography - B
History C opt F - A
Stats - A
Maths - A
RE - A
Biology - A
Chemistry - A
Physics - A
Somehow they haven't put my IT down, so I guess that means I failed both in the end...Even though the they already moderated it as a pass, after my tutor marked it as a merit.

Lol cheers...The good thing is I am confident that if I tried I could have got all A's/A*'s 😛.Like 1 mark of A* in hist which is a bit annoying considering they gave us the wrong booklets for each exam to revise from.
Well done and on my first science exam (higher) got a B which is pretty good for me as i am in year 9 going to 10
Nicely done 🙂
I got a C in Chem module 3 somehow...I thought I did quite good as well lol.
What's everyone doing at college/work wise then?
im happy with mine but i dont get how they get worked out. i got A* in chemistry, biology and physics and my ISA but the overall adittional science grade only came to a A??? 🙄
Great results guys, that additional science grade is a bit wierd? I was always bad at ISAs. I got full marks in my physics and chemistry additional science and then got an A in biology and B in the ISA and got an A overall.

For my AS levels I did Geography,Physics, Chemistry, Maths but failed maths miserably :thumbdown:

Im glad everyone got great results!

Krish's Betta, I did AQA core science in year 9 aswell 😀 along side ICT and French, then additonal science in year 10 🙂

Yeh, what does everyone else want to do next year then?
Nick, what are you doing at uni? If I get in next year I will hopefully do environmental science
ISA's are the easiest thing...the teachers basically tell you the answers, or atleast mine hinted at them :shh: lol
and in september i shall be doing A-levels in biology, geography, psychology and something else i havent chose yet... 🙄
we cheated on the ISA's back in the day, the teachers didnt even care.... friday afternoon and you can get away with murder.

im going to do business studies (4 years) with a year in industry (year 3). i hope to go and work for someone good like IBM etc.
after my fourth year, grades and finances permitting, i hope to go on to do a years course in either marketing or management to enable me to specialise and move away from all the other generic business students.
I got all A,s in skiving off work,B,s in tea making,and 3 C,s for clocking off early :lol: :lol: :lol: ,well done to all you youngsters :thumbup:,

my brother got 8 A*'s and 7 A's.

no pressure on me then in the next 2 years.

my dad has been bribing him to do well. when he did his maths and french a year early my dad said he could have a new air rifle if he did well and he's getting a new iPod this time.

(to any parents reading, bribes are an excellent way to improve your child's grades 😉 :lol: )
How in the f* can you do 15?! At my school you only did 9. I took Maths a year early too.
So GCSE wise we did:-
2 x Science (2/3 of a GCSE for each biology, chemistry, physics)
1 x Maths
2 x English (literature and language)
1 x French
1 x Design and Technology (Textiles for me)
2 out of art, history, music, drama, geography OR double IT