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14 Oct 2007
I recently purchased a Fujifilm Finepix A100 Digital Camera (10MP, 3x Optical Zoom)

I'm not a 'photographer' but i do like to take pictures. So here are a few i have been taking, testing out settings etc.












ok, i think in the first 3 focusing is an issue. there slightly blurred.

also, the following images of flowers in black and white would probably look better in colour....that's why they were given them 8)

the horse image I like. it's got character.

the bee is too central;, try to compose the image using the rule of thirds. 😀 and possibly waiting for the bee to land on a flower.

good to see enthusiasm 😀
Thanks Saintly.

saintly said:
ok, i think in the first 3 focusing is an issue. there slightly blurred.
Yeh i'm still getting used to the camera.

saintly said:
also, the following images of flowers in black and white would probably look better in colour....that's why they were given them 8)
Just a thought with blank and white photographs then, as everything photograhped, like ever, is in colour, surley no one would bother with B&W at all? Just a thought... i personally like B&W very much, more so than colour. individual preference though i suppose.

saintly said:
the horse image I like. it's got character.
Cheers, thats was a lucky shot, he just happened to turn at the perfect moment.

saintly said:
the bee is too central;, try to compose the image using the rule of thirds. 😀 and possibly waiting for the bee to land on a flower.
ok. dunno what that rule means.?! i was lucky the bee didnt fly of at all, so im pleased at least.

saintly said:
good to see enthusiasm 😀
i do try.... thank you.
Rule of thirds is basically the same as aquascaping. You dont stick a red plant dead in the centre, it is always better to have it 1/3rd from either side. With moving objects, have the larger open space in the direction it is moving


I find it hard to use B&W, very rare i use it, when used correctly it looks good though.

What settings were you using??

Thanks, Aaron
Gotcha - Thanks Aaron.

They are all pre set settings - this is 'flower' setting, there is 'sunset' 'snow' 'beach' all sorts...
they look great for someone getting used to a camera. I'm not sure on your camera but can you alter the depth of field? It looks like it. In your second picture, you have stuff in the foreground out of focus and thats a bit of a no no in "professional" terms, i happen to like it generally, nice work.
Thanks Dan 🙂

I don't know about the altering of depth etc, i'm a bit wary to mess with settings too much as i dont really know what i'm doing...
Lozbug said:
Thanks Dan 🙂

I don't know about the altering of depth etc, i'm a bit wary to mess with settings too much as i dont really know what i'm doing...

ok then, try using aperture proirty rather than the preset settings. Set it to "A" then you can alter the Aperture, and ultimately DoF.

larger aperture (smaller number!) = less DoF.

So for making the background blurred use f/3.5
and if necassary, macro or super macro.

Also experiment with focal lengths (different zoom lengths) You can get an evern shallower DoF when fully zoomed in and on f/3.5 with macro from about 1metre away... well thats with mine and i use a S5700... just experiment 🙂
Thanks, will make a note of that and have a play soon. Cheers 🙂
Hopefully better this time, didnt play too much with settings yet...






Lozbug said:
Just a thought with blank and white photographs then, as everything photograhped, like ever, is in colour, surley no one would bother with B&W at all? Just a thought... i personally like B&W very much, more so than colour. individual preference though i suppose.

I am very much with you on the power of B+W photography. I recently saw an exhibition of work by Philip Jones Griffiths, and the images would lose an awful lot if they were colour.

B+W landscapes or colourful images such as flowers does bring an extra degree of difficulty to taking the image though, IMHO. Without the colours, texture, shape and composition are more important. 90% of the images I take are with B+W in mind. Having been motivated by some stunning images taken of the Lakes in B+W on a large format camera, I went with the intention of trying to emulate this work in some way. Unfortunately, most of my images look better in colour, so the trip was a bit of a failure for me. Still, I hope to get up there when the snow is on the ground. Then, nature will have already made the B+W conversion for me. :lol:

Personally, I find B+W generally more challenging than colour for flowers, landscapes etc, and not always the best option, but easier for bringing urban photography to life. I always find myself searching out moodier, gloomier weather to take my B+W images. Landscapes on bright sunny days are generally left in colour by me, but most everything else is converted to B+W. For B+W landscapes, there is no better tutor than Ansel Adams IMO.

Whenever I look at the work of my favourite photographers, they virtually all shot, or continue to shoot in B+W. It is a bit of a forgottem medium at the moment, but it may well make a significant come back yet. :thumbup:
