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Group shipping buy for Manzanita driftwood from Tom Barr

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Count me in!
Thomas McMillan: (not sure how many) branchy bits, 20-40cm.
Tonser: lots of bits up to around 70cm (happy to help with shipping if needed).
Steve Smith: tiny to medium 5 - 50cm
sam clowsley: 15-30cm straighter pieces (about 12-15 if possible)
Glenn Eldridge: 1 big peice up to 70cm (a centre peice for a 100cm aquarium basicaly)-somthing with character
nelson:40-70cm bits + some smaller bits.pretty floral branch would be nice
johnny70:small-medium 10-50cm, branchy and straight bits (would need mine shipped to me, doubt I can get to the meets)
a1matt: a piece for a 3 foot tank, one that fills the tank. and then another one for the same size tank again. A couple of nano size centrepieces. Then a handful of branchy bits as well. I like gnarly\twisted wood.
Ejack: a few pieces, 3-4 roughly 30-40cm long
SimonD: 4 or 5 lengths 40 - 70cm combination of branched/straight. Whatever I'm sure it'll be good and can make it work!
YzemaN: Enough to fill a 4 footer. I've been quite envious of the 180G "pesky" tank in Tom's living room
I just got back with a truck load full. Lots of nice stuff, I'll brush some of the wood for you.
I'll go up again Sunday for some more near the Yuba pass where I Mt Bike(so that's my excuse).
I'll post some pics of the wood.

Just let me know what you all work out for shipping method.
USPS or a pallet out of Oakland/SF etc, or train to NY/East coast then ship.

A pallet will hold a lot of wood.
Cost is the only issue.
The wood is not that heavy, and not that fragile either.

So boxes are fine also.

Give me about 1 more week or so,m then I ship however you want, I'll post some pics of the pieces here in a day or so.

Tom Barr
Here's a typical Haul from up about these here parts:


Here's how to to clean things up some:


Hose down good, then brush carefully to get any soft stuff off:

After the brush:




I have to wait another few weeks for the nice small trees that might be better suited to what many of you want, the snow is still 4 ft deep up there. the higher altitudes and short growing season produces smaller trees, bonsai's if you will.

They come from about 7000 ft, old past low intensity burn sites.
I'll see here soon though, but 2 weeks before I can get back up that way.
About 3 hours from here drive.
The other pics above is only at 3000ft, no snow there.

Tom Barr
The above batch of wood is about 200lbs for an example, but is enough to do a 1000 Gallon tank at least.
The smaller twiggy branch pieces are much lighter though, you'd get 2-3x the amount for 200lbs I'd say if the larger logs/pieces are removed.. I'll maximize weight.

To deal with gas cost getting this, the left overs will be donated to the local clubs and I'll ask for gas donation.
I can easily raise 60$ for the gas bill and should have plenty of left over pieces. the SF Bay group has 50-100folks at most meetings, and they all clamor for it. The local group here is closer to the wood, we sort of laugh at folks making a hoopla over it.

Tom Barr
YzemaN said:
Count me in!
Thomas McMillan: (not sure how many) branchy bits, 20-40cm.
Tonser: lots of bits up to around 70cm (happy to help with shipping if needed).
Steve Smith: tiny to medium 5 - 50cm
sam clowsley: 15-30cm straighter pieces (about 12-15 if possible)
Glenn Eldridge: 1 big peice up to 70cm (a centre peice for a 100cm aquarium basicaly)-somthing with character
nelson:40-70cm bits + some smaller bits.pretty floral branch would be nice
johnny70:small-medium 10-50cm, branchy and straight bits (would need mine shipped to me, doubt I can get to the meets)
a1matt: a piece for a 3 foot tank, one that fills the tank. and then another one for the same size tank again. A couple of nano size centrepieces. Then a handful of branchy bits as well. I like gnarly\twisted wood.
Ejack: a few pieces, 3-4 roughly 30-40cm long
SimonD: 4 or 5 lengths 40 - 70cm combination of branched/straight. Whatever I'm sure it'll be good and can make it work!
YzemaN: Enough to fill a 4 footer. I've been quite envious of the 180G "pesky" tank in Tom's living room
Verminator: 5 to 6 pieces between 40-60cm in length for a 3ft setup. Aiming for root like system with Echi's in the near future.

Not to sure how this system is working, and how i'll get "my" wood or how payment is going to come about, but i'm in!
$$$ wise, here's my deal.
I think it might be better if you folks get together after the wood comes in, divide up the wood, use a scale, then tally the total cost and divide by a fair % for each person's "take". The pieces you all are looking for are smaller and light. I can pack a lot into a 30-40lb(not kg) box, say enough for 5 folk's request above.

The pallet method might be a bit tough.

Tom Barr
Although the UK isnt exactly a vast place in comparison to many other countries (such as the USA) its still going to be odd all the wood going to one place and then being distributed out to others further afield. I have no doubts about the 'fairness' in how its done, i don't doubt this at all. Just question the extra hassle and cost od getting it those fairly out of the way. I'm in the west midlands so i'm very central to most places.

I'm not putting myself forward for anything, so don't think it! Haha.
Well, with 2-3-4 boxes shipped to central locations , that might seem easier at the end of the day is what I'm saying.

Whatever you folks think works well, I have one box ready, it'll be 2 weeks later till I get to the other 2-3 boxes.
Snow is covering most of the area where I collect from that's best suited for what most are looking for.

When that melts, I'll head up.
Do my MT biking and plant collecting, then nab a truck load of wood.
It does not need as much brushing as the larger pieces either.
Should be fairly clean.

Tom Barr
glenn said:
hi plant brain...just wondering if the snow has melted yet? :lol: i cant wait 😛

It was about 40C for a few days here, but at 2300 meters, it's still fairly cool at night.
I might try this or the following weekend.
I saw snow at 2900 meters and at 2800 meters, so......

We might have another storm come in this week, we need the rain/snow here.

But it will push back the date to get the rest of it. I might find some new spots perhaps.

Tom Barr
Sorry guys. I am going to have to drop out of this for financial reasons as well.
Lets keep our fingers crossed that James can squeeze some space in his pallet.
I can pay someone upfront for my share of wood, should someone else be able to pick this up, but I can not put out a large outlay myself anymore.

EDIT - having to write this post has made me a bit sad. Please all realise this is not something I have casually said OK too, then just changed my mind on. I have PM'ed Tom with the reasons for my dropping out. Sorry again.
Snowing up where I was planning on collecting this weekend..........damn.

Tom Barr
I can't really afford this any time soon myself. I actually have to postpone completely redoing my tank aswell and possibly my planned holiday to dominican republic currently. Such is the case with my finances. If this doesnt happen for a little while or is something that can be re-done in a year or so (who knows) i may be able to afford it then.

Given the economical climate i hope people can sympathise that tank wood isnt high up on my list of neccesitys 🙁

As I'm only 16 I cant drive or anything and my parents wouldn't drive me around to collect wood off people.

Would it be possible to send me some wood separately to my house? Id be looking for wood of about 30-60cm long of all different shapes (amounts of branches, cool designs etc)

Would this be possible?
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