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Happy Birthday

Awww, thanks everyone!!! Yea, had a great day. Some great pressies too - mostly money though which I'm totally reserving for the new tank which is hopefully being delivered this coming week :lol:
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthady dear Danny boy happy birthday to you,hip hip hooray, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbup: :thumbup: ,have good un my likkle buddy,
regards john.
Happy Birthday Dan 😀 , and Happy belated Birthday to all that I've missed, really ought to check this thread more regularly! 😳
Thanks folks 😳 , i had a great day 😀
Thanks, Andyh! :thumbup:
happy birthday Paul 😱ccasion-birthday: you old git :silent: .

😱ccasion-birthday: everyone else.