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Hello - and posting problem :-)


21 May 2013
Hi all, I'm Colin from Durham

I have 6 tanks, only one of which is planted but I have a few issues with that which no doubt I'll be begging for help with at some point lol!

I'm trying to write my first post (although thisis now my first post!) but am constantly getting a pop up warning me about a 'dodgy url' even though there are no urls or even anything which looks like a url on the thread so perhaps someone can help?

Thanks again and looking forward to reading up all the great info!

Hi Colin. Think they installed some new anti spam stuff which is what's causing your issue. Can't remember what the fix is but it might just go away after a day or you've posted in some other threads or something. There was a thread or two about it in the help forum if you can find it.
Hey Tom - thanks for that!

I'll try posting it again in a day or so when my pot count is a bit higher. I have pm'd the mod who was listed as online but not heard back. It would be interesting to see what the forum software 'sees' as a url.

Strangely though I see other people are posting links on some threads and a link is a url so I really dont know what the problem is lol!

Thanks though 🙂
I have highlighted your problem Colin, it should be sorted as soon as Paulo logs on.

Welcome to the forum.
Hey Ian and thanks - it all works perfectly now 🙂

Some great info on this forum - thank you!
Welcome Colin,
nice to have another Northerner, im just south of you near Darlington.