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  • Most of the remaining team are off on holiday meaning the forum does not have sufficient cover. As such the site will be placed in maintenance mode where it can be viewed but no posts/threads can be made and will remain this way until August 11th, apologies for the inconvience.

Hello from Portland, Oregon. Nominally part of the USA.

Vincent P

New Member
29 Nov 2023
Portland, Oregon, USA
I decided to join up since I'm getting back into the hobby again. Some of my general plant groups have always been UK based, as my local climates are similar: Vancouver and Victoria, Canada, though Northern California, USA. (I'm in Portland, Oregon) I appreciate the change in tone from American groups, and the greater interest in accuracy and specificity as well.

Hi all,
I appreciate the change in tone from American groups,
Welcome to UKAPS.

Unfortunately (<"or fortunately">) we have quite a few American posters who have <"fallen foul of moderation"> on other forums. We are generally quite a friendly (and well moderated) forum where you can express different views without it all descending <"into a flaming war">.
and the greater interest in accuracy and specificity as well.
I think they are things we are really interested in. <"Correspondence with Dr Ryan Newton - School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee"> and I think we are also willing to say "I don't know" when <"we don't know the answer">, and to admit <"our mistakes">.

cheers Darrel
I understand, and apologise on behalf of my countrymen 😳

I'm sure I present many typical American behaviours, but I'll try to rein them in 😁

And yes, I'm passing familiar with British English 😉

Thank you all,

Hey Vincent, don't forget we fought a Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783) so we can spell words the way they sound and replace Five o'clock Tea with Happy Hour! :lol:

'Merica 🙂

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I appreciate the change in tone from American groups, and the greater interest in accuracy and specificity as well.
You will get a master's thesis in response to a simple question here.

Enjoy your stay here. There's a number of 'muricans lurking about, coming from a different forum 😛