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Help me choose a plant!


25 Feb 2014
Evening crew!

I need help! I want a plant to go in my low tech tank, the plant needs to be a background plant, preferable bushy! Along the back I have (left to right) Heteranthera zosterfolia, limnophila aromatica, GAP, Rotala rotifundia, then cabomba aquatica.

Infront of the gap is a number of crypt wendtii green and browns, with a red tiger lotus.

Due to the colour of the aromatica im not sure whether I can have another red plant next to it!!

My lighting is medium, with a photo period if 5 hours, I use weekly ferts and dose carbon!

Here's a picture (excuse the shoddy quality, its off my mobile! The gap I want to fill is where the sword is!


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I've just planted a lot of the tank hence the smaller plants! Co2 can be added as well as higher lights, but I just enjoy the simplicity of low tech tanks!

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Adding a carbon source makes your tank high tech, any plant you wish should be feasible.

Thanks Tim, that's my issue, I'm.not sure what would look good, I know its not some master piece scape by ANY means, just wanted some suggestions...

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Blyxa Japonica?

Not exactly a background plant but it's easy and quick to grow and looks great...
Hygrophila polysperma, comes to mind !! Different leaf-shape, from what you allready have.....and a nice, light green. Very easy plant. ( I agree with you, not to mix too nany red's 🙂 )
Blyxa Japonica?

Not exactly a background plant but it's easy and quick to grow and looks great...

Thanks buddy! I was under the impression that it needed Hugh levels of co2???

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Hygrophila polysperma, comes to mind !! Different leaf-shape, from what you allready have.....and a nice, light green. Very easy plant. ( I agree with you, not to mix too nany red's 🙂 )

Ooo I like that! May have to make a purchase! Thanks buddy!

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Thanks buddy! I was under the impression that it needed Hugh levels of co2???

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Not necessarily, with do good in either, like any plant, Co2 addition will make it grow quicker and healthier 😉
Not necessarily, with do good in either, like any plant, Co2 addition will make it grow quicker and healthier 😉

Awesome! Hogan53 has some.going spare! Will see whether I can get some for a donation!!

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