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Im puzzled, D-D Co2 set


12 Jul 2011
Hello all, iv'e just got a "D-D Co2 set" and installed it, i hear the click as i plug in the solenoid, i have bar/psi pressure on the gauge (set to 1, Also tryed at 2 and 3 psi) open the fine valve, but i get no bubbles / no bubbles in bubble counter / no bubbles out of diffuse.

anyone had this same problem, and or can help would be much appreciated.
Vinyl said:
Hello all, iv'e just got a "D-D Co2 set" and installed it, i hear the click as i plug in the solenoid, i have bar/psi pressure on the gauge (set to 1, Also tryed at 2 and 3 psi) open the fine valve, but i get no bubbles / no bubbles in bubble counter / no bubbles out of diffuse.

anyone had this same problem, and or can help would be much appreciated.

How long have you waited mate they take a while to build up the pressure.
thx for reply, ok so set to 1bar and open fine valve and wait..
Vinyl said:
thx for reply, ok so set to 1bar and open fine valve and wait..

What diffuser have you got first , mine is a normal ceramic and im set to 2 bar have to wait about half an hour for it to warm up proper.
ive got no gas comeing out atall, this is funny it’s not rocket science, something's not right..

oh ic.....have to wait about half an hour.....
ive got a glass diffuser yep ceramic and glass bubble counter
Thx Mike.
So it takes half an hour to warm up each time the solenoid turn's on??
For a quick check just disconnect your diffuser and see if you have any bubbles? If you do maybe you have a leak when the system is under pressure. You will need to check all the connections.
yep i got a leak, can i unscrew the co2 bottle and take it off, with it being full of gas.
Humm, iv'e removed the solenoid and just had the fine valve connected with no leak, set to 2bar opened the fine valve and i still get no co2. I think something is wrong with the fine valve..
got the replacement vale this morning,works like a charm now..................all is good..................

thx all