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yay! i am so excited i can multitask on my ipads now...

wearsbunnyslippers said:
yay! i am so excited i can multitask on my ipads now...


:lol: :clap: He can have one in both hands and type with his nose!

or he can ditch one and in a week when the OS 4 is released he can multitask like all the other tablet computers that don't exist yet :thumbup:
I wonder if they've blended it yet. I remember showing my grandad them blending an iphone his face was dynamite.

edit, I can't believe he missed the most obvious one, drinks tray to go with the iphone coaster.
They get given them free, they had a Q and A and they said a lot of companies donate stuff because it's good free promotion.
JamesM said:
I'm no fan of Apple products, but I do like the iPad and I really want one!
I just like the freedom and diversity of applications available for windows to do anything.
But after playing with one a couple of days this week, I am actually thinking of buying one to replace my very old iBook, and use it also as a training device for me to keep and my PDF documentation and makes notes on the PDFs, bookmarks, etc... I did think about the Kindle or the Sony eReader, but this is a much nicer device for that 😉
I kind of like the iPad lol just didn't get one because the price is too much for what it is, so waiting for an Android equivalent that will for sure be much cheaper and do more (might not look as sexy though).
LondonDragon IMHO it's not about how much it does but how well it does what it can do. I had an HTC with windows mobile. It could do as much as my iPhone can but 2 years earlier. Trouble was that it did everything badly so when I tried an iPhone it changed my perception of smart phones.

I've had an iPad for a while now. It's great. I'm sure when the operating system is updated to iOS4 later this year it will be even better. It's easy to type on, the screen is great for photos and reading. I use it mostly for Internet browsing and email. It's definitely a luxury. Its great being able to pick it up and be on the Internet in 2 seconds rather than waiting to boot up a computer.

I'm sure an android based device will work fine and I'm glad apple does not have only windows to worry about as it drives their development forward. I don't think the iPhone would have seen multitasking as soon as it did if it were not for pressure from android based devices. I'm sure there will be some fantastic devices developed for android, probably do more than an iPad. Question is will they do it as well as the iPad?
Agree with all you said, I changed from Windows Mobile to Android about 3 months ago, what a difference Android is really the OS that will challenge Apple, Windows Mobile is pretty much done and dusted.

I got the HTC Desire, compared to current iPhones it puts them second best, the new iPhone 4 looks promising and should top it, but there are more Android devices being released all the time.

A lot of guys from work that used iPhone has swapped to the Desire after testing my phone, I never been a fan of the iPhone due to its locked down nature.

tyrophagus said:
I'm sure there will be some fantastic devices developed for android, probably do more than an iPad. Question is will they do it as well as the iPad?

Android does what the iPad does and does it even better, now what we need are some sexy devices that actually work and feel good, the operating system is already an apple killer, just need the hardware to match! 😉
Got an iPad in the end (persuaded my boss to get me one) and using it now, it's a very good device but still as some limitations, like it should have multiple user support, camera at the front for web chatting, it's quite heavy when using it for long periods, no multiple tasking at the moment, I am sure that will be sorted with iOS 4.

I use it to configure all my networking devices over wifi or via tethering on my mobile phone, did not see the need to pay two contracts to get it with 3G. Got all my work documentation and configs always at hand, got loads of magazines in PDF format and books on it. Does not have USB which is a shame, but overall pretty impressed with it.

I would not buy an iPhone. But has a tablet this is a great device, a few Android versions are starting to pop out now, just have to wait and see how those compare.
Lucky pup, they do look great.. Sat in the garden last night trying to balance the laptop on one knee with my monthly treat of a glass of wine on the other proved a little difficult. A pad would make my life almost complete! :lol:
They look very cool indeed, but a little over priced for what they are really. They are just an over sized iPod Touch!
I absolutely love my Ipad, best toy I have every owned, I bought one pretty much as soon as they came out & just recently updated to the latest model.
Where I live, it cost me £330 & I consider that is money well spent.
The amount of apps available are just amazing especially if you are into art or photography, as a photo storage unit the device is second to none!
A few quirks though - the auto spell check drives me mad when typing & you cant turn it off - the search button to browse the app store is terrible & no flash player is very annoying on occasions.
However, what a machine, the touch screen is so superior to any over hand held device but, most importantly the Ipad is just so much fun & joy to own 🙂
If you are in the market for a new tablet until now I would not recommend anything other than an iPad (I have one), I have been using the Samsung Galaxy Tab also for the last few weeks and if you want a smaller device its great, but there is a new iPad Killer in the market, the only one at the moment that can compete with it to be honest.

Have a look here:
ASUS - Eee- ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101

Review: Asus Eee Pad Transformer review- The Inquirer

Video Review:

Comparison with iPad2
