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LED lighting for a 6'x3'x2'?


9 Mar 2013
Well well,

We've fallen in love with the tiniest little mbu puffer who will need a nice big tank!

I am planning the tank at the moment and would like LED'sfor a number of reasons but mostly for 'coolness'... The tank will be approx 6 feet in length and 3 feet from back panel to front.

I like the 8000k razor, does anyone know if a unit with wide angle lenses will stretch the 3ft back to front?

Anyone have any suggestions? I ideally would like to spend less then £800 on lighting..
Ill be putting a new lighting unit on my set up in my latest journal which is a little bigger than that. Should be next week or the week after if you want to look out for that.
Other than that 3 or 4 tmc tiles would easily light that size tank for under that budget
Which light are you going for? I've seen your thread with the tiles, is there a reason for changing? To be honest, I've never liked the tiles... Seem cheap, plasticky, and not that reliable.
Ill be putting a new lighting unit on my set up in my latest journal which is a little bigger than that. Should be next week or the week after if you want to look out for that.
Other than that 3 or 4 tmc tiles would easily light that size tank for under that budget
Who made your tank? I'm still looking around for someone to build mine, do you mind If I ask how much you paid for the glass?
You'll certainly need a bigger tank for that fish soon enough 😉

However lighting wise how about-

2x TMC luminaires- will do 4ft long and apparently 80cm front to back (Just shy of 3 ft).
1x Maxspect Razor 300w bit of shade towards the front but shouldn't be too bad. (Only with different lenses)