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Ludwigia Repens not growing


1 Oct 2020
Stewartsville, Nj
Hey yall, my ludwigia seems to be surviving just fine but there is no new growth. I heard it is a beginner plant and I am very new to planted tanks. I have had it for a month and the top leaves seem somewhat transparent. I have fluval substrate a sponge filter and a hygger full spectrum light. No yellowing leaves. What should I do to get it to grow and fill in.
If you're using Fluval Stratum, you still need to add fertilizer regularly- not sure where you got the idea that you don't.

I'd start with an all-in-one (there are many on the market, I use EasyLIfe Profito but I suspect it's one of the less popular ones here). Most people here use EI (estimative index) fertilizer dosing, which I'm only beginning to learn about- it's necessary if you want to add CO2, but an all-in-one is a good start if you are keeping it low-tech.
If you're using Fluval Stratum, you still need to add fertilizer regularly- not sure where you got the idea that you don't.

I'd start with an all-in-one (there are many on the market, I use EasyLIfe Profito but I suspect it's one of the less popular ones here). Most people here use EI (estimative index) fertilizer dosing, which I'm only beginning to learn about- it's necessary if you want to add CO2, but an all-in-one is a good start if you are keeping it low-tech.
Ah okay I was told I would not need ferts for 6 months with stratum. , would root tabs be a good option for ludwigia as well. I know how to make my own for a decent price.
You've been answered 😉

Your plant will require

Macro - npk
Nitrogen NO3
Phosphate PO4

And micro nutrition

The plant don't really care how you will supply those 🙂

Just note that some plants consuming ferts from the water more then from the soil
Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk
Ah okay I was told I would not need ferts for 6 months with stratum. , would root tabs be a good option for ludwigia as well. I know how to make my own for a decent price.

If this is advice you were given at your LFS (local fish shop), then you've learned your first lesson about that- their advice is usually suspect. It's a pleasant surprise to hear that they advised you not to buy something, however- usually it's the other way round,
If this is advice you were given at your LFS (local fish shop), then you've learned your first lesson about that- their advice is usually suspect. It's a pleasant surprise to hear that they advised you not to buy something, however- usually it's the other way round,
I usually do my research online first however I was a bit to eager to start this tank and resorted to store advice on substrate. Learned my lesson there! I think for my next tank I will be looking at organic soils and such for substrate. They seem more nutritious and some really famous tanks are using them