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Microbubbles probably from CO2


14 Apr 2020
Hi Mates

Im a newbee here.

I would like to ask if someone could assist with any idea regarding "how to get rid of those foggy bubbles?"

Can some one help on that matter?

Thanks in advance.
Are you injecting CO2? And if so how?
CO2 injection made by inline diffuser...

To be more accurate , this little fellow.

2 bps ATM.

I am pretty sure that the microbubbles are coming from this one...
However, if I cant deal with the mist/foggy water... I think I'll get back to my first diffuser

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I think it depends on the model and flow rate, some people love it and others experience what your experiencing. I’ve only ever injected via reactor
Got you.

Can you suggest a specific reactor ?

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I know there are commercial ones that can be bought but I’m more familiar with the DIY versions like the Cerges styel reactor. I personally use a Venturi style reactor in my sump. The idea behind these is for bubbles to be constantly chopped up until they either dissolve or become a mist. My bubbles are not visible unless you get close to the glass and look for them.
I know there are commercial ones that can be bought but I’m more familiar with the DIY versions like the Cerges styel reactor. I personally use a Venturi style reactor in my sump. The idea behind these is for bubbles to be constantly chopped up until they either dissolve or become a mist. My bubbles are not visible unless you get close to the glass and look for them.
Yes... I know regarding the commercial one's.

There are quiet a few of "good working" examples.

Regarding the sump, I don't have one. Nor a place to put/build one.

I think I'll go forward towards a DIY one, in order to see if there is an option of 100% dissolving.

Thank you for you opinion.

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What's a good "media" for using inside a reactor like yours Zeus? I have one of those APS pre-filters siting unused and hadn't considered using it for this purpose.

ATM I use nothing and low flow 😉