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Mike's 1st Journal

Re: My 1st Journal

quick update day 7. Everything seems to be growing nicely, some crypts have melted but not to much.


Fantastic set-up and nice scaping!

You've got to be proud of that. I would be.
Had my first set back last night blyxa was looking very sorry for itself turned brown and the base and falling apart only thing holding it down was roots from half way up stem , so spent 5 hours carefully removing it all stripping out the dead and replanting the newer growth so definately looks thinner and will no doubt take a while to fill back in will. I will happily spend hours doing trimming but changing 150l of water at 3am trying not to wake up my daughter was no fun what so ever 😡 .

Will take some pics tomorow.
Update after 2 weeks, i have resolved my small algae issue and hopefully blyxa will fill back out after bottom 3/4 of plants turned brown and end up floating around tank.




Ill have to pop up next weekend to see it mate, shame about the Blyxa, it looked great when it first went in.
Just a little update decided to take out the central peice of wood ad replace it with a smaller piece, i think it was supercoley that noticed it stood out, i am also thinking of adding some more crypts, I have bought 24 harlequins which were added monday, and i have bought another 12 in quaratine tank for now. Anyway here are a couple of pics.



weird.i was just thinking how this is doing.doe's look better without that bit of wood.still love this tank 😉
samc said:
glad u updated this mike i woundered how it was getting. on them crypts look really good and healthy

hows the blyxa doing?

its rooted in well and showing good signs of recovery crypts are doing extremely well, as is the stellata which pleased me as i was told if conditions aren't right it just stops so very pleased so far.

I do have a few ideas which might be done soon..
Themuleous said:
Nice tank and lush healthy plants. What are your long term plans for the right side of the tank? Looks a bit 'empty?'


As it was my first real attempt and didn't know how the plants would do, and getting co2 right has been a nightmare especially after i found a leak the other day which hasn't helped now fighting to get rid of algae but hay its all part of learning curve, i have decided to leave it alone for a little longer but am planning out my rescape for later in the year when i have a bit more money and time available. I am planning to pick up some new wood for hardscape, rotala more stellata for background full length of tank this time, spread the crypts out through middle, remove e.tennelus and bylxa, and use parva and p.helferi for foreground undecided on Staurogyne sp as yet but have some other ideas also.

I have got some more recent pictures i will upload and post later.