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Nano cave scape #1 - evolution


Some ideas you could try:

Orange cross: remove those plants to increase depth
Big green Line: add riccardia or small Moss there
Green Line in the background : add eleocharis acicukaris
Pink lines: addind small branches of Wood there to add details

Not sure about that reinickii in the back, would replace it by something small like rotala wallichii for example.

Cheers! For taller plants at the back, left, middle or right? And what type were you thinking?

I would be tempted to have plants all the way along the back, broken up and some different heights, so it doesn't look like a wall. Not sure what plant, so anything with small leaves.
Do you have an external filter? If so, an inline diffuser is worth getting. There are some on Ebay (from China) for less than £10. I've bought a cheap bubble counter and it's been fine, but I don't know about the diffusers.
I would be tempted to have plants all the way along the back, broken up and some different heights, so it doesn't look like a wall. Not sure what plant, so anything with small leaves.
Do you have an external filter? If so, an inline diffuser is worth getting. There are some on Ebay (from China) for less than £10. I've bought a cheap bubble counter and it's been fine, but I don't know about the diffusers.
I'll have a think!
Filter is external but no room for an inline diffuser. Current set up diffuser is ugly and i may upgrade, but it doesnt bother me that much!
The cave looks cool and great depth! But not crazy about the left rock i must admit. Not sure if it's the shape or because it looks too symmetrical for my taste..
Very nice growth!

Stone looks cool to me and add some tension but maybe replace it with an smaller one to avoid the symmetrical look. 🙂