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New Light bar project Ideas needed on materials....


6 Aug 2008
Basingstoke. Hants
Ok after posting my other light bar im now in the thoughts of making a new all in one bar.

The Plan is the bar is to house 4 x T5's and 2 x T8's to do this i need to find some flat material for running the length of the tubes that is waterproof and thin. It needs to either be a little rigid or im going to need to strengthen it.

The idea is for the tubes to be on one side of the unit and the wiring/ballasts on the other side covered with a water tight cover.

I have attached this drawing to show you what im doing. Im going to have 3 power cables


Ideas on what to use for the board???

If i have room it could be strengthend by half tubes which i can put the ballasts and wires under