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Poll: What's your favourite aquascaping style?

What's your favourite style?

  • Nature - Iwagumi in all it's forms

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • Nature - Wood scapes

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Dutch style

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Jungle style

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Biotope

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • El Natural

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paludarium

    Votes: 2 4.5%

  • Total voters

Steve Smith

19 Jul 2007
Wellesbourne, UK.
Just thought I'd continue the "Do you like Iwagumi scapes?" thread and broaden it a bit... I've probably missed off some styles (let me know and I'll update).

I think I'm still hung up on the Nature/Wood style. I love some of the CAU scapes, and really liking George's scape in PFK. Another one I like a lot at the mo is Jay's 120cm journal. Fantastic wood layout IMO 🙂

So what's you're prefered style?
Re: Poll: What's your favourite style?

I voted Iwagumi, but I would love to see more paludariums around.

Hmm, is there a nice link somewhere that describes what all the styles mean, I'm leaning towards paludariums but I might like some of the other styles better if I knew what they were 😉
i think the reason there are not many paludariums is that it looks a bit wierd. a half filled fish tank. i think it looks strange, whats the point in buying a tank if you only half fill it.???
My ambition is to one day, set up a big paludarium (6' x 6' x 2') and grow lots of epiphythic orchids and bromeliads in a natural tropical setting. I used to look after a huge tropical palm house for Brighton parks and gardens and it was heaven.....add an aquatic section, streams and waterfalls and a few tree frogs and my life would be complete.